"Sorry, it was an honest mistake," I mutter. I continue to stare down at my fingers.

"If you thought a little before you did things. Then we would have somewhere to sleep tonight. But, no! You decided to say screw logic and look where it got us! On the side of the road with nowhere to stay tonight and I'm fucking tired!

"Katherine, leave her alone," Jackson speaks. Huh? "I understand you're upset but that's no way to talk to her."


"Let it go, Katherine," Jackson enforces. His tone changes, his usual light-hearted tone is exchanged for a more serious one. The car goes silent again. Katherine's eyes bore into the side of my head. Die. Kill yourself. You're an idiot.

If I had telepathic powers this what I would hear.

A loud growl comes from the backseat causing me to turn around. Is there a dog in here? "Did anyone hear that?" Henry asks.

"Maybe it's the car?" Jace suggests. The growl is even louder now.

"What the hell is that?" Keiko's face is bright red and she's holding her stomach.

"Oh, it looks like someone is hungry," Brandon laughs. "Are you hungry Keiko?" She just nods her head. "Anybody else wants anything to eat?"

"I can eat," I say.

"Me too," Henry and Jackson say at the same time.

"Whatever," Katherine says crossing her arms looking out the window.

"I'm pretty hungry," Jace says causing everyone to look at him. He's becoming less and less of a prisoner as time goes on.

Brandon drives into a nearby McDonalds and orders seven Big Mac meals. "So, I'm broke. Does anyone have any money? "

Shit, I don't. I look around the car, and everyone avoids Brandon's stares. I look over at Jace, Jace! I do have money! I stole it out of his wallet back at his house. I reach into my back pocket and hand Brandon a hundred dollar bill. "Where'd you get the big bills Brooky," Brandon says.

"One, stop calling my Brooky, my name is Brooklyn. If you call me Brooky again, you're going to have to start getting used to things with one hand. And, two I stole it from Jace."

"Wha- What?"

I look over at Jace and shrug my shoulders. "What? I never said I was a good person."

Brandon drives to the next window. The young, what I can assume teenage girl eyes widen when she sees us. "Your total is..." What the hell is her problem? "Are you all okay?" Looking around, I take a look at all of us.

Brandon isn't wearing a shirt right now... like always. Does he even own one? Jackson and Henry are covered in sweat and dirt and have traces of blood on them. Katherine looks razzled and Keiko's face has blood splattered on her.

Me on the other hand, I look like Carrie after they dropped pig blood on her.

"We were just at a costume party," Brandon smiles. "How much?"

"Oh.. okay. Your total is 63.58" Brandon passes her my hundred dollar bill. She in exchange gives him our food and drinks.

"Keep the change," he winks. Katherine hits him on the shoulder, "Ouch what was that for?"

"You know why," she shouts. "Now give me my food." Brandon hands everyone their food. I take a slow bite out of this delicious burger. This thing makes the whole getting shot at thing way better.

Henry holds up two small pickles, "does anyone want my pickles?" Henry asks. Keiko swipes them out of his hand and adds them to her burger.

Everyone eats their burgers over the music Brandon decides to play. "So how long have you all known each other?" Jace asks.

"We've known each other for a while. Well except for Jackson that is. But these last few days are the first time we've actually talked," Henry admits.

"Cool. So you all are working together to kill my brother?" Jace says nonchalantly causing Brandon chokes on his burger.

"Whaa- your brother?" Brandon says.

"Yeah, he wants to kill his brother so he can change the world," I say. It's a noble cause. But I don't really care what happens.

"That's pretty cool," Henry says eating a fry.

Everyone finishes their food, Henry lets out a loud yawn. "Brooklyn how much money do you have left." Reaching into my pocket, I pull out five hundred dollar bills.

"Five hundred," I say biting into my sandwich.

"Brandon, do you know any nearby motels?" Brandon nods his head and drives towards a motel 6. It looks sketchy here, prostitutes, drug dealers. Everything imaginable is here.

"Katherine go with Brandon and get us two rooms," Jackson orders handing him all the money I stole. They might give prostitutes room keys but I don't think they'll give me one. I'm covered in blood.

Katherine and Brandon walk into the motel front lobby and comes back with two keys and hands them to Jackson.

Everyone walks to the two rooms which are right next to one another. "Brooklyn, clean yourself up. I'll be outside waiting for you. I need you to go somewhere with me." Jackson says while walking into the room with all the guys following behind him. I wonder where he wants to go.

Unlocking the door, the motel isn't very sightly. Old comforters, cigarette burns everywhere and an old cheap tv. There are only two beds but there's a small couch in the corner. I guess I'll take the couch. "I'm gonna shower," I say while walking into the bathroom.

Turning on the shower, I strip off all my clothes and I get in. Standing under the hot water all the blood and dirt goes down the drain.

I miss home, my lavender-scented soaps. My large tub, my comfy bed.

After scrubbing my entire body. I dry off and put my clothes back on. Opening the door, there's a pissed off Katherine tapping her feet. Does she have another emotion other than bitchy?

"Took you long enough," Katherine says walking past me into the bathroom. Keiko is on the bed already sleeping, still loud as a whale.

Walking outside of the room, cigarette smoke instantly hitting my nose and there's Jackson. "You ready to go?" I nod my head and we both pile into the car.

I hope you all like the chapter!!!! This was kinda a filler chapter, Just me building relationships that's all. Next chapter should be slightly more interesting

Make sure you vote and tell me what you think.

I hope you have a super amazing lovely day, night and afternoon.


The Assassin Named Brooklyn now called Deadly Sins | Mafia Romance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now