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Your POV

I woke up feeling quite dizzy and exhausted. I sat up in a sitting position and found myself in the infirmary on a soft mattress. I tried to remember what happened but I couldn't recall anything. Each time I tried remembering, I would get a massive headache. I was about to stand up and get out of the room when the door creaked open to reveal Gildarts.

"So you're finally up." He said as he chirped inside the room.

I smiled at him and rubbed my eyes. My head turned to to side to check the time and was shocked to see that it was currently late at night. Strange, I remembered being with the others early afternoon. I furrowed my brows in confusion and looked up at the orange haired man. "Hey, Gildarts? What happened? My mind's all fuzzy and my body feels exhausted."

His eyes widened from shock. "Y-You mean you don't remember?"

I shook my head. He lowered his head as a response and let out a loud sigh.

"What is it, Gildarts?" I asked worriedly. He didn't answer for a few moments. Almost as if he was thinking of saying it was a bad or good idea.

"Gildarts!" I pleaded impatiently.

"You destroyed the guild hall, kiddo. You probably would've destroyed the whole building if I hadn't arrived earlier."

I blinked astonished. "I-I did?"

"The crazy thing is you were doing it unconsciously. So if you were aware of doing it on your own will, the damage would've been much more chaotic."

I looked down at my shaking hands.

Did I really do this? The very place where I had so much memories. And I just...destroyed it?

"I'm going on a century quest outside of the continent. Our best option right now is for you to join me and help control that power of yours."

I lowered my hand and gripped the blanket as I nervously bit my lip. "W-When are we leaving?"

"I was planning on leaving today, but then you
wouldn't have time to say goodbye to your friends. So we leave tomorrow."

I gulped down hard and stared out into the window mindlessly. "I see..."

"Go say your goodbyes kid. We leave first thing in the morning."


I walked out of room and made my way towards Gray's room. I haven't really put much thought into my actions. I almost did it instinctively the moment Gildarts told me to say my goodbyes and somehow that ice wizard was the first name that popped into my head. My light bare feet lightly echoing in the silent hall. They were walking slowly than usual, as if my mind was dreading telling him. I didn't even bother when I reached his door, so I just walked in unbothered. Gray was already fast asleep, hugging the pillow beside him while he softly snored. He was in his boxers, which made me giggle a little bit. Seeing him so vulnerable and cute made my insides all warm and fuzzy. I tiptoed to his side and gently shook his shoulder.

"Gray..." I whispered quietly.

I watched his eyes slowly flutter open and then softened when they saw me. "Alexa...you're okay." He smiled relieved. "What are you doing here?" He asked in his croaky tired voice.

"No, I just can't sleep."

"C'mere." He said as he opened his arms for her. His eyes were struggling to stay open, practically begging for sleep. I crawled inside his arms nuzzled my face against his bare chest. He laid his head on top of mine and slowly played with my brown curls. I wasn't planning him on telling him just yet. I needed to ask him a question ever since the day I met him.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 ★ Gray Fullbuster X OCWhere stories live. Discover now