how frozen should have been xd

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Act I -

Anna is an upper-middle class girl named Eira. As a child she was obsessed with the The Snow Queen, which is dismissed as a fairytale. She insists that The Snow Queen is real, but changes her mind as she gets older. As a teenager, Eira is courted by Kael (Hans), an adult man who only wants her for her money. Eira, being naïve, feels that he truly loves her. The two of them plan to get married.

Inciting Incident
They do get married, and Eira soon learns of Kael's true intentions. She is heartbroken, and absolutely furious.

Plot Point One
She turns back to the story of The Snow Queen, and how she freezed a girl's heart so that she never loved again. Eira decides to find the Snow Queen and ask her to freeze her broken heart.

Act II -

Rising Action
Eira is faced with many perils, but she came prepared. Using her strength and wit, Eira overcomes every obstacle that gets in her way. She makes a few allies, but they don't stay long.

At the top of the highest peak, we find The Snow Queen's castle. Eira almost gave up hope finding it. She tells the Snow Queen her story, and she pities her. The Snow Queen (her name is Freyja) pities her so much that she takes Eira under her wing.

Plot Point Two
Freyja freezes Eira's heart. She also starts to teach Eira how to manipulate the ice and snow.

Act III -

Pre Climax
Eira has changed. She is becoming more powerful with each passing day. Freyja is proud of how much she's grown, and she sees Eira as a daughter, a friend, and a partner in crime.

With Freyja's support, Eira uses her newfound abilities to enact revenge on Kael. It gets out of hand, and Eira ends up destroying the whole village and thrusting the country into an eternal winter.

Freyja is impressed, proud, and absolutely terrified of Eira and how powerful she has become. The two of them become the rulers of their frozen domain. We end on a cliffhanger, causing the audience to expect a second movie.

and THAT'S how you DO IT, my dudes.

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