tw: edgy

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stop telling me not to kill myself if i want to do something i'm gonna fucking do it and there's nothing you can do to stop me in fact i'm now even more likely going to do it because you told me not to like oh YEAH maybe i WILL do the thing you just told me not to do take THAT

i'm so sick of looking up suicide related topics and i just get a ton of people going "don't do it" and the suicide hotline like maybe im just a writer looking for ideas???????????? damn not everything is about me

it's fucking annoying like you have no right to tell me what i can or can't do with my life if somebody wants to die that's their fucking problem not yours

how bad of a person do you have to be to make somebody's entire life about something other than themselves? this is their choice to make. don't guilt trip them into doing something, that's such a shitty thing to do. "think of your friends and family" shut the fuck up. how can i care about how people feel if i'm fucking dead? your argument is pointless. the person dies, that's it. if you think about it it's not really that big of a deal. so stop making it look like it is.

if you really care about people dying why don't you actually do something about it besides bothering people who are too far gone to be "healthy" or "normal" or whatever you tell yourselves so you can sleep at night.

it's so stupid, people don't even actually care. i've heard so many stories about people calling suicide hotlines and the person on the other end not showing the least bit of interest or compassion. fuck, that happened to me, too. the girl on the other end was acting like she didn't get a call from an overemotional teenager multiple times a day. what a world we live in.

everyone pretends to care but we all know they don't mean it and it sucks. i'm depressed, and i don't even care anymore. if anything, i'm mildly frustrated because this crippling depression severely influences my artistic ability which is THE ONLY THING IM GOOD FOR so that's an inconvenience.


i do plan on killing myself but like when i'm actually satisfied with my life so i can die on a high note

no way am i letting some dumb disease or a stupid murderer get the glory of killing me i'm dying on my OWN terms, baby

it's more like a personal goal or something to look forward to, really. i don't see it as something particularly bad. i don't think i ever saw death that way. i've been thinking about it ever since i was a little kid, and i guess what i really want is an answer to all of my philosophical questions. that's why i'm so obsessed with dying, i guess. i just want to know what it's like. i don't really care about the consequences or how other people would feel because i would be dead and nothing would apply to me anymore. it sounds nice.

i wish people who were against suicide got that through their thick skulls. their physical pleasures mean nothing to my ethereal self.

i'm fucking dead, nothing matters.

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