lame one shot

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That jealous reader totally fucking shot me. With a goddamn bow and arrow. The arrow went through my chest, and i watched as my blood dripped from the wound. I could barely feel the pain, I was too happy. Then I fcuking DIED.

"Haha yes," The anonymous archer said from their perch. "Her art skills are MINE."

As soon as they got home, they got out a piece of paper and a pencil. And they began to draw. The drawing fUCKING SUCKED LOL. They stayed up all night, drawing, getting more and more confused as to why they sucked so bad. They decided to play some music and HOLY SHIT THIS MUSIC SUCKS. At that very moment the jealous reader realized they didn't get my talent, they got my taste in music.

((hey hey hey i need writing prompts))

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