venting??? i guess

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when my family was looking for a new cat we went to a shelter. there we saw a lot of cats that were treated badly in the past, which affected their personalities. there was one tiny gray tabby that was terrified of people, and when i held her she trembled and clung to me. i cried. we didn't get her because she wasn't ready to be in a home again; instead we got the cat that purred. her name is roxy and she is getting spayed today.

every day when i walked home from the subway (depending on the time) i would pass an old blind lady. she had a specific schedule which i greatly respected. she went to the grocery store, waited for a the bus, got off at her street and walked to her house. i would usually pass her once at the bus stop and the second time near her house. the sidewalk on her street is very thin, and passing her can be awkward because i am often too shy to let her know i am there. i just take heavy steps and hope she can hear me passing her. once, she spoke to me. a simple gesture, really, just a chuckle and a "i'll let you pass." she stepped aside, and i mumbled a "thank you" as i walked by her. i have never forgotten that, i don't know if i ever will.
((i might make that into a little comic idk))

one time i went into a carl's jr. and everyone working there (all hispanic women, bless their hearts) were singing. it was one of the most beautiful things i had ever witnessed.

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