tw: death, gore, and sexual harrasment

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girrllll you will not believe

how wild my walk home from school was

okay so im walking on the free way and there's this fucking dude right

taking his time jay walking across the damn freeway and he just like stops in the middle of moving traffic to adjust his pants or something


so now we're walking right and i see this dead rat

tw: here's a photo

the dude who was just jay walking was wild he was like "omg it's a dead rat isn't it i don't wanna look at it"  and i was just like "it's guts look like spaghetti lmao" so i took a picture and while i was taking it the guy just looked at me and was like

"fascinated by death?"

and i just holy shit

because it was dead on accurate just wow

i really am fascinated with death i've been thinking about it for as long as i can remember i fucking love that guy so much i love random strangers like that

anyway i went to ralphs and bought like two boxes of cosmic brownies (THE ACTUAL SHIT THEYRE SO GOOD) and while im packing them into my backpack this car

slows down across the street from me and parks

and y'know i didn't really think much of it so i kept packing it

but then the window starts rolling down and i get kind of freaked out because if a car is stopping across the street from a defenseless young feminine child and the window starts rolling down something is up

and there's this old guy in the car and he's staring directly at me so now im legit scared like wtf is he gonna do

i expect him to, like, yell something gross at me but he just sits there giving me this creepy stare

and then he SMILES AT ME this creepy-ass-scrotum-lookin fucker gives me this horrible smile and i just fuck off right out of there

like i was honestly more scared of him sitting there and smiling at me than if he just yelled something at me

im just disturbed is all, like i can't imagine how much scarier it would be if he actually pulled up right next to me and did that dnfbgjfjjgghmhmjkk

and if i wasn't scared shitless i would have probably told him to fuck off or something but still

it was really disturbing, like usually i don't freak put so much over stuff like that but just

something about that gross old dude really freaked me out

anyway thanks for coming to my TEDtalk bye

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