irrelevant rant

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throwback to a couple minutes ago when a stranger accused me of hating eridan solely because he killed people

uhhhh yeah there's that i am aware he had a reason but was that reason justified? no and it's no excuse to defend him "he has a reason to do that he didn't want to fnnfngng" he still did it tho and it was a shitty reason if i remember correctly he was being an emo fuck and saying that it was his duty to destroy all hope (which is why kanaya died) and he wanted to betray everyone and join jack which was selfish but not completely because if i remember correctly he offered to let people (karkat and feferi???) join him joining jack so yeah those were the main reasons he fucked everything up

but besides that i just don't like eridan in general

maybe his character didn't get developed enough but the development he did get sucked he was just a dick to everyone except karkat and karkat was sick of his shit

he whined a lot and nobody liked him which made me also not like him plus he's stubborn as hell and not in a good way (if there is a good way)

just gsdhhdhdhsh that's all anyone (including me) remembers about him "oh he killed three people" he was PLANNING on killing a lot more

everyone is so quick to forget the land dweller holocaust and even quicker to forget that the only reason he didnt do it was because it would make feferi sad what the fuck dude

sociopath much??? i want to punch him the greedy shit

anyway yeah i have multiple actual reasons to dislike eridan ampora fuck that guy

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