part two

16 5 7

TW: extreme-ish violence and stuff

"I don't 'like' nobody," Hillary tensed up again. "You tell your muddah one word about this interaction and I'll blow yer fuckin head off."

He turned to look back at her, but something else caught his eye. Dennis' car. He stumbled towards it.

"What are you-" Cody realized why he was heading over there.

"This is her car..." Hillary said more to himself. "If she ain't here, why's her car here? Huh? Answer me that, lil' lady."

"She got a ride, obviously." Cody said, keeping her cool.

"Yeah, okay," Hillary's face contorted into a grimace, his deep-set eyes glimmering in the rising sun. "So ya mom just leaves her face lyin' around?"


Cody stepped back, trying to get inside the house. However, "Shrew" was already on top of her. He grabbed her, shoving her against the wall.

"Tell me," His breath reeked. "There isn't no Dolores, is there? You've been trickin' me, haven't ya? I hope ya know, ol' Shrew doesn't like being tricked. You think it's funny? Huh? Am I amusing?"

"Wh-What are you t-talking about?" Cody could barely breath.

"You get your kicks from fooling lovesick old gents?"

"What? No- I- It's your own fault for falling for her. You really are a dumbass, thinking that mask was a real face-" Shrew cut her off, choking her.

"You keep talking to me like that, girly, and I'll-" His sentence was cut off by a branch breaking. He whipped his head around, and grinned like a madman. Before him stood Dennis, holding a knife inches from his face. He laughed lightly.

"This your little boyfriend?"

Cody somehow managed to cringe while getting choked. "Fuck no..."

He picked her up with one hand and slammed her against the wall again. Dennis did nothing bust gasp.

"Stab him, you pussy!" Cody screamed through shuddering breaths.

"I- I-" Dennis stuttered. He'd never been in a situation like this before.

"Yeah, kid," Hillary laughed, slamming Cody against the wall once more. "Go ahead. Stab me."

Blood was pouring down Cody's face now, and he dropped her onto the floor. She coughed, normalizing her breathing.

"You were in the car, weren't you?" Hillary approached Dennis, still dryly chuckling. "The little getaway driver. The side-kick. Tut tut, letting a little girl control your life. You obviously don't belong in this kind of sitiation, do ya? Look at ya, shakin' like a leaf on a tree."

"D-Dennis what are you waiting for just get him already-" She was cut off by "Shrew" kicking her back a lot harder than he should've.

"Shut up," He literally kicked her while she was down. "You really gonna let a kid boss you around like this?"

"S-Stop..." Dennis practically whispered.

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