problemo (short rant)

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i have a resting bitch face. i have a naturally sarcastic voice. because of these things everyone assumes i'm mean and i HATE IT because i????? am actually a big ol sweetheart on the inside

like yes i can totally be rude but i much prefer not doing that.

i always feel so bad when i compliment someone and they're just like "you're just being sarcastic aren't you" like NOOOOOOOO that's just my naturally sarcastic tone

im actually really bad at sarcasm lmao

like i feel like i was originally supposed to be this petty sarcastic bitch because i have the face, the voice, and the attitude for it but NO i just HAD to be a mere ball of fluff with an edgy façade

i am the exact opposite of what people first think of me dhfjgjkfkgkgk

my teacher called my mom one time and told her that i had an "attitude problem" and i was??? shook i don't normally act like a jerk to people especially on purpose ESPECIALLY to teachers E S P E C I A L L Y to their face gjgkgkg i was shaken

80% of my bitchiness is subconscious i swear

fucking SIGH the struggle of someone with a resting bitch face

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