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Connor sat on the bed Indian style, talking about her and Jacob. Sincere went to sleep an hour ago. I didn't mean to make her feel bad earlier when I told her to give up. Maybe I should go talk to her. I know she's somewhere in this house. I got up and walked in the guest room that she had been sleeping in. She wasn't there. She wasn't in the game room, or the kitchen, or the bathroom, or the living room. I went down to the basement and saw her sitting on the couch. Her head was down, and her hair covered her face. She looked like a lost little girl... I didn't mean to make her feel that way... I closed the door and sat next to her on the couch.

"You okay?" I looked at her, holding my knees up to my chest. She didn't answer. I nudged her. She shifted slightly and continued to ignore me. I lay my head on her shoulder and stared at her until she looked at me. I then moved and lay across the couch.

"You okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I guess I just need to get the hint and stop having hopes of going home, because I know I'm not ever going home."

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings... I didn't mean to come off as rude or anything. It's just frustrating that you have a person like Roc, and I know how he is. I just want you to accept it and I wanted to warn you or tell you that running away isn't an option with Roc. Roc gets what he wants and he gets upset when he doesn't get it. There's no ifs ands or buts about it.. Roc is just an aggressive person, and I don't want to tell you that you have a chance, and then you try to get away, and then something happens.."

"I'm just not attracted to Roc... I can't see myself ever being attracted to him. Ever." she pulled her hair behind her ears. I got quiet because I somewhat saw where this conversation was going.

"I just wanna go home." she said when I didn't say anything.

"It's not so bad...I mean... it has its ups and downs at times but Roc is a sensitive guy... deep down, and I think that you could maybe open him up a little bit, and you'd eventually get to see that side of him. He just doesn't know how to deal with his anger.."

"I mean, I haven't seen any up side of being kidnapped at all, other than meeting you." she looked at me.

"What's so special about me? I easily get on people's nerves, and I do it on purpose sometimes too." I turned to lay on my back. I laid my head on her leg while she moved to sit Indian style. I've never really been in the basement here... I think I'll start to come down here often because it gives me a good vibe. I stared at the wall. She played with my hair.

"You're just a nice person, and your attitude makes you even better because you're sort of hard to figure out." She shrugged.

"Why have I heard this before."

"Because it's true."

"Mhmm.... I don't see what's so complicated about me."

"It's just hard to figure you out, but I want to figure you out... you just make it so complicated."


"You're cute too, and I'm glad I met you."

"Look at you. Tryna get fresh with me and shit."

"Because, Jay, I like you and you know it."

"And you know I'm not gay Sincere, so I don't even understand why we keep coming back around to this conversation."

"I'm not gay either. I'm bisexual. There's a difference bitch."

"If you like what I like, and you like what I got, then that makes you gay."

"So what does that make you?" she said.

"It makes me straight still. The hell."

"It makes you confused."

"How the hell am I confused? I know what I like and I know what I want." I stated.

"And I know what I like, and I know what I want, and if you so straight then why are you all up on me." She asked.

"I'm comfortable. Doesn't mean I like you." I sat up.

"You stay swerving." she chuckled.

"I like you as a friend. That's it." I told her. "And I came down here to see if you were okay and all but this obviously didn't get us anywhere, let alone did it get me-"

Again. Her lips went crashing into mine. She has to stop doing this shit to me! This girl just doesn't know when to quit. 😔🔫


"No the fuck she ain't kissing Jay." I sat up. Sincere doesn't sit right with me, and if I agreed to live with the boys, I can see myself fucking that bitch up, real quick. Ray covered his mouth in shock. Ej shook his head.

"Man... damn!" Roc yelled.

I don't share dammit. And I for damn sure ain't about to be competing with a girl.

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