Morning hits

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A dry wash rag hit me in the face, causing me to jump up quickly. He grabbed my arm and led me upstairs to a bathroom with a big shower. A chair stood in the middle of the floor while the water ran. He closed the bathroom door once we were both in. He straightened up his pants and sat in the chair, shoving me towards the shower. I looked at him.
"Go get in the shower."
I stepped in and made sure to go face first into the water to possibly end this nightmare. He watched closely as the water ran down my body. I looked away and tried to pretend he wasn't there. I ran my hand through my hair and put it under the water again, taking a deep breath and wiping my face dry with my hands. He bit on his lip and studied me. After five long minutes passed he demanded I get out the shower. I did. I wrapped my towel around me tightly. I made my way to the door. He stayed seated. He snatched the towel off of me and draped my wet body over his, straddling me on his lap. His face dived into my neck... his lips and his tongue, sucking and nibbling. I could feel him giving me a hickey. I wanted to smack the shit out of him and make a run for it but he held onto me. I buried my face into his neck and gripped his t-shirt. "Oh,bae" I moaned. The 'bae' part slipped out. I really didn't mean to make a sound... He trailed over making another 'love mark'. I bit my lip, starting to get wet. When he was done he pushed me off and laughed, looking down at his sweats that held my juices. "You're a naughty girl. You're going to make me rape you." He said boldly. He squatted onto the floor next to me and lifted my chin.
"You a squirter?" He asked. I looked away. Truth is, I don't know. I'm not comfortable talking about sex. Him making me walk around naked wasn't making it any better.
"You're gonna taste good. I just know it. Your neck is so sweet and soft...You're definitely pleasing to look at, and to the touch." His hand caressed my face.
"The simplest things turn you on, and you act like you don't like it. Keep trying to be feisty little girl. I love that shit" He continued. I stayed quiet as I began to cry. "Put some clothes on baby girl." He said, reaching out the door and tossing me a bag. He left. There was a matching bra and panty set that were a perfect fit. How the hell he knew what sized bra I wore caught my attention. "How the hell could this happen to me? I watch shit like this happen to girls in movies!" I pouted. There was lotion and perfume. At the bottom was a pair of short shorts and a sports bra, with a pair of Huff weed socks. Nice touch with the socks dammit. It REALLY takes away from the fact that I'm being held captive in your home 👏😐. I've been wanting a pair of these socks for the longest! I got dressed and stood in the bathroom for half an hour with the door locked. "Alright, you've been in there long enough it's time to come out." He said. I stepped away from the door.
"You don't wanna do that. I can get in there with no problems now I suggest you open up the door and come on out before I come get you myself, and I assure you, you do not want that."
I hesitated for a few seconds, and then I opened the door. There was a vent facing me with air blowing through it. I shivered and looked around seeing that he had all of the doors boarded up. The house was actually neat, except the torn down ass basement he had me in. I glanced at him down the hallway. He was in a room on the bed with his phone. I held onto my arms and made my way to the basement.
"Come here"
I froze and walked backwards into his room like I was being held at gunpoint. I sure felt like it. I turned around.
"Do you like your clothes?" He asked.
"You've got me walking around this cold ass house looking like a damn hooters employee" I admitted. He laughed and motioned for me to walk to him. I did slowly. Two steps away from the bed, he grabbed me with one arm, pulling me beside him. His arm rested around my waist. I eyed his arm, wanting to cut it off and smack him with it. I stayed quiet. "Do you love me?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow and stayed quiet. He laughed.
"I'm kidding."
"Why..." I asked
"Why what?"
"Why do you have me here? What did I do?"
"Jay, I've grown quite fond of you over the past few ...days." He told me.
I gave him a look. "I find that hard to believe..." I spoke lowly.
"Okay, years...and I couldn't wait any longer so I decided to just...snatch ya up." he admitted, shrugging with a smile.
I stayed quiet. He reached behind me and took the ponytail from my hair letting it fall. "You are so damn sexy... I find you very attractive." He bit on his lip. He was cute but that gave him no rights to kidnap me! I looked down.
"I'm Jacob." He told me.
"Doesn't Jacob and Jay sound good together?" He asked
"I heard you moan earlier....I just...want you so often make me wanna wrap my hands around your neck and choke the shit out of you."
That scared the fuck out of me. He laughed.
"I'm kidding. You can go now."
"Nah...if you give me a kiss you can." He said. His ass was annoying me. I knew he was fibbing. I didn't want to know what he'd do if I refused. He was sending mixed messages. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. I kissed back hoping it would end quickly. He bit my lip and tugged on it gently, making the kiss passionate. He was a good kisser..what the fuck?
I kissed and sucked on his lips just a little. He ended the kiss and told me to get out. What the fuck is wrong with this nigga? I made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge to a load of shit. I grabbed fruits and ice cream, making my way over to the blender and I blended it up. He came in and grabbed a container full of ice. I looked at him like he was crazy. He winked at me and walked back to the room. "When you're done come here." he told me. I sighed and followed him. he took my cup and set it on the counter, laying me down. "You're touchy." I complained, getting used to his games. He's done all this shit but he didn't rape me yet? What was wrong with this guy? Not like I wanted him too but why is he acting like this? He took my legs and put them down, sliding off my socks and starting to massage my feet. "You're so tense." he said sarcastically. I almost laughed at his insolent joke. It wasn't funny but it was at the same time. "Relax." He said in a sexy tone. I closed my eyes, wanting to kick the shit out of him. I inhaled and exhaled deeply.Then I felt a cool block of ice run over my ankles.
"Wait!" That caught me off guard. I jumped the first time, but when he did it again I moaned. I tried to move my leg. He let it go with a grin on his lips. Who knew that I was so sensitive there? This nigga has to be a nympho or something. Like...who thinks of shit like that. I moved to get up. "I'm not gonna hurt you, Jay. Lay down. This is my sex room. You are going to abide by my rules." He stated. "I don't want your sex." I mumbled. he threw the container and climbed on top of me.
"What did I tell you about being feisty?" He said pressing his lips to my ear. I looked away and balled up my fists. "I'm not a rapist little girl, but you're making me wanna do some shit to you that I know you don't want me doing. Keep playing these games with me and you're gonna be sorry." he said.
"Or pregnant and when I'm pregnant your ass is stuck with me, when you get caught best believe you're going to jail, and if the police find that you raped me and got me pregnant your ass is serving twenty five to life" I spat. He laughed. "Well maybe I'll get you pregnant on purpose. I know how to hide very well, so five-o is the least of my worries." He put his hand around my neck jerking me a little before he got up and left the room. He came back. "This is my room, get the fuck out." He said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my cup. He snatched it and downed most of it, then he gave it back and pushed me out, closing the door on me. I tripped and hit the floor. I shifted on my elbows.
He laughed. "And why the hell not?" He asked, opening the door. I began to suck my teeth. "I'm gonna find a way out of this house." I told him.
"You're so sexy when you get mad..." He spoke as he bit his lip, staring through my soul. "Anyway, you can try.. but I highly doubt that you'll get out of here." He added.


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