Visiting (Pt 1)

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• Later •

So, Jake and I got dressed because he said we were going somewhere. He told me not to get too dressy because we were going over Roc's house. I've never been there, and I didn't really wanna go, but I hadn't been out of the house in over a month, so I was down to ride. We pulled up in the driveway and went in. Jake and Roc walked towards a room. Roc stopped me.

"Where the bathroom at?" Jake asked. Roc pointed down the hall and that's where Jake disappeared.

"Uhn... go downstairs." He blocked the entrance to the room that Jake was about to walk in before he asked to go to the bathroom.

"I ain't going in your fucking basement."

"Go downstairs." He clenched his jaw and talked through his teeth. By now he was in my face.

"I'm scared of basements." I crossed my arms, looking at him. He forced a laugh out of himself and grabbed my arm, walking me through the house.

"You ain't scared of no damn basement. Getcho' ass down there."

I was shoved down the steps. The basement only had one light on, so it was dark still.

"Ooh! You get on my damn nerves, Roc!" I yelled. He slammed the door and locked it. I sighed and let my hair down, pacing back and forth. I then got bored with that so I sat on a table and flicked the rubber band around my wrist.

"Are you here to help me?" A shaky voice asked.

I jumped and put my hand on my chest.


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