On the real

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I sat there and watched the girls talk for what seemed like hours, exposing pretty much everything going on in their household. They went from gifts to sex life and so on. Jay bragged on me and then some, telling pretty much any and everything. My cheeks burned when they got into details about what all we did to them during sex. Ray cleared his throat when Honest started to talk and excused himself.

"We've created such nasty teenagers." Ej shook his head.

"Thank God." I said.

"Well I have a dyke..." Roc mumbled. Ej and I laughed. Roc punched Ej in the arm.

"Hey. Don't get mad at me cause your girl eats pussy."

"Ej don't go there."

I chuckled and directed my attention towards the screen.

"All I hope is that your girl doesn't try to turn mine out." I admitted.

"Well if you continue to put it down like Jay says you do then you should have no worries at all." Ray exited the bathroom, not blushing as hard as he was before he left.

I covered my face and began to shake my head. "Girls just can't keep their mouths shut."


"I don't really know about y'all, but there's hope for me, and I'm going to find my way home." Sincere looked serious.

"Give up, you are not going home, and if you try to escape Roc is going to catch you, and he is going to kill you. He doesn't care how much you scream, he doesn't care how much you bleed. It is going to be lights out for you, and he will make sure that you die slowly to feel every inch of pain that comes to you." I assured her. She looked scared. Sincere's starting to annoy me with this scary shit. She needs to stop nutting up. I know how she feels, and I'm not saying that it's wrong to be scared and curious, I'm just saying. look at Trina, and Honest, and Connor and I. We've tried it all. Hell. I even got away, and still ended up in the same situation. I'm not saying to give up hope I'm just saying, to be more realistic. She's not going to get away, I mean I hope she does and all, like, I hope she gets what she wants but it's gonna take time to plot, plus she still needs passwords to security systems to get out of the house, then she needs money to get home, and Roc isn't going to let her get a job, so until then, she needs to at least lay low or deal with it. Not trying to be a downer or anything... it's just that everyone doesn't get what they want, and things happen for a reason I suppose...

Sorry for not posting. I honestly didn't know what to make happen next. I normally don't have to think about it, I just write but I ran out of ideas. I'm back and I'm gonna post more. vote comment share and all that good stuff

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