R. I. P

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I pulled the blanket up and laid Sincere's body on the patio floor. I checked for a pulse and I couldn't feel shit. There was no pulse. There was no breathing. This bitch was pale. I instantly got a headache. I covered her body up in blankets and took her to the back. I set the blanket on fire and took a seat on the grass. I watched her body burn slowly. The smell of fire fluid and death turned my stomach. I pulled my shirt over my nose and watched.... Then I got the fire extinguisher, cleaned up a bit and got rid of the body.


"Everybody get up! It's time to get up!! Sleep time is over. Everybody get in the living room, now!" Jake yelled. I got up and shoved Roc to get him up. He shooed me and grabbed a couch pillow, putting it over his head. I went upstairs and joined everyone in the living room. Everyone was sitting down but Jake. He looked at me and glanced at the basement. I looked at him.

"You been smoking?" He asked.

"No...." The shit got in my clothes.

"-......Ok. Um-"


"Wait. Sincere is sleep...Sincere! Wake up. There's a meeting going on." Connor walked around the house opening doors and calling out for her. I began to rub my face as I let out a tiresome sigh.



Jake scratched his neck, avoiding eye contact. He cleared his throat and took a long moment of silence. We watched him.

"Sincere...she passed this morning...."

"What you mean she passed?" I asked, crossing my arms. Connor covered her mouth along with Honest and Trina.

"She used the extra blankets from the supply closet, tied them to the patio, and the other end was wrapped around her neck...and she um.....she jumped." He explained. My heart sank. Honest started crying in the midst of his sentence.

Trina cleared her throat. "So what exactly did you do to her? Like...wheres she at?" she asked.

Ray face palmed. "Here it comes..." He mumbled.

Ej went and got a bucket.

"I...wrapped her body up in the blanket, took her in the backyard and I set the body on fire... I ground the remaining body parts and disposed of them..." Jake explained lowly.


Jay grabbed the bucket and threw up. Trina covered her mouth and gagged, then she rushed to the bathroom and threw up as well. Connor looked sick to her stomach. Honest gagged and held it in. She rocked back and forth and wiped her face.

"Fucking monster!...This is unacceptable! You're going to hell!" Honest assured me.

"...I could care less...This is what happens when you die. We can't- Afford- To get- caught. Flat the fuck out."


He hit his hand against the table with every word he said.

"You know how this shit go so don't even act surprised. Why y'all think we don't take y'all to the doctor when y'all get sick? We ain't stupid. So don't get mad at me for covering my ass! Roc's ass..! All of our asses!" He continued.


"So when I die I'll be burned...and ground like a piece of meat..." Jay said lowly, wiping her mouth and avoiding eye contact.

"Unfortunately I- "

"Is that a yes or a no...?" She stared at the floor.

"....Yes, Jay. Shit....I'm sorry, but that's the way it go. Wi-"

She slammed the bucked against the floor (not hard enough to spill it), got up and walked out of the living room. The girls followed. They went into my room and locked the door. Roc walked upstairs.

"Wassup?... Why y'all up here slamming doors and shit?"

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