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We all ate and made our way to the game room to chill. Connor and I lay on the floor while she did my nails. I picked the color white. 💅

"Everybody in here is just so damn cute...If only we could get our cute asses out of this house and do some normal shit like shopping..." Connor complained.

"Well. You sit in the house for so long and you know you can't go out so you eventually forget about going outside and think about other things." I shrugged.

" sucks though." she replied, blowing on my nails and putting away her supplies.

"If only Jacob was here... we wouldn't be worried about going outside at all." she admitted.

"You seem to like sex a lot, Connor." Trina had a look on her face.

"I mean... who doesn't?" she asked, laughing.

"Does sex hurt?" Sincere's voice creeped into the conversation.

"Girl, no." Honest rolled her eyes. I laughed.

"Why you getting mad?"

"Cause' Sincere is so damn scary. Lighten up, bitch you not going home." she stared at her nails. Connor and Trina giggled. Sincere made a face.

"I just wanted to know. After all I am the only virgin. Seems to me like y'all let them turn y'all into nympho's you nasty ass sex addicts."

That instantly brought laughter throughout the room.

"Sincere. I'll explain it to you... yes, well... I don't know if if hurts for everybody.... I mean-"

"Don't sugar coat it." she cut me off.

"It hurt for me. I mean... it's like you got this little bitty hole... and by the looks of Roc, I'm pretty sure he's packin'... so say you're a virgin. You're not used to having anything in you at all, and this... how do I put it, well it's erect." I tried to make an example with my hands. "It's hard and it's like it's poking you." I made a little hole with my fingers and tried to force my fingers through it. "I can't explain this shit. Just relax and it shouldn't hurt as much as people say it does." I said.

She frowned slightly. "You bitches make it seem like it's the best feeling in the world."

"I mean after you fuck, then you're going to eventually want it again. You can say you're not going to do it anymore all you want, but you eventually start throbbing. You think about it, and you start to want to... and if your relationship ends up anything like mine, then sex would be an event that takes place every night, and sometimes evenings and mornings because it feels better every time." Connor shifted on her elbow.

A grin spread across Sincere's face. "Nasties... Y'all should've seen Jay's sh-"


She laughed. The girls looked at me.

Trina raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"Nothing. Sincere slept with me."

Connor's eyes widened. Honest made an 'oop' noise while Sincere slightly grinned.

"No. Not like that. I mean we slept in the same bed. No touching, no nothing."

"Mhmm..." Connor smirked.

"Why y'all so homophobic? Y'all act like I'm a straight lesbian...I like boys too dammit."

I laughed.

"Seems to me like you got a crush on Jay."


"You tellin' me I picked up a fuckin' lesbian?" Roc flipped over the coffee table in our room. Ej and Ray burst out laughing. I covered my mouth and chuckled. We all sat in computer chairs, watching the girls on surveillance, via camera. We rented a hotel in Las Vegas for the weekend. Don't think we're all the way in Vegas to watch the girls because we're not. We're here for a reason which I'm not telling you about, but as of now, we're bored and have nothing else to do, so the girls will be our entertainment until further notice. Putting up the camera's weren't as hard as I thought. 😏

"Lighten up Roc. Maybe we'll run across some kinky shit later on." Ray joked.

"Real funny, Ray." Roc didn't have a lick of smile on his face.

"Well from the looks of it, Sincere's got a little crush on Jay, and I don't like sharing my women. I don't give a fuck what gender you are." I spun in a circle in my rollie chair.

"I'm thinking about branding Honest..." said Ray.

"Now what type of shit is that?"

He shrugged. "I just feel like she's not mine until I put my name on her."

"You're supposed to do that with your tongue, Ray." I leaned back in my chair.

"I want it on her physically, to where I could see it."

"So, what you gonna put on her?" Jacob asked.

"My name...duh. Maybe property of Ray." He hand gestured.

"That shit is gonna hurt." Ej shook his head.

"You can't just go around marking your territory on females, Ray." I said.

"The hell I can't. Watch me."


Sorry sorry sorry. I'm updating more starting now. vote comment and all that good stuff

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