Home? I guess

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I was tired. I passed out right on Jacob's bed. I don't even remember getting into the car and heading home. Not home, but to his house... that is not my house. Anyways. Out of nowhere I was woken up by the warm feeling of Jacob's tongue flicking rapidly on my clit. I immediately winced as my hands went straight to his head. He didn't say a word. I didn't either. Instead I just moaned, running my fingers through his thick curly hair. I gasped slightly being caught off guard. He started sucking on it. I jerked and started to sit up. He pushed me back down gently and stuck his tongue inside of me. "Uhhhh, yes!" I yelled, arching my back. He slurped and flicked his tongue slowly, watching my reactions. I whimpered softly. Before I could have my orgasm he stopped and slid on my panties and some blue silk shorts. It pissed me off how he woke me up just to do that shit and he didn't finish. I made a noise and pushed his head away from me. He laughed.
"Good night." He told me. How did he manage to get me undressed and into pajamas without me waking up? He wore the same color silk pajama pants and no shirt. Just a semi small chain that I saw him wear with everything. He clicked the light off and laid beside me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. He chuckled.
"That wasn't funny, dickhead."
He laughed again when I pushed him.
"Good night, Jay." He said with a smile. I turned away from him. He leaned over me, looking me in the eyes with a smile. "I KNOW you're not mad. I'm a child molester remember?" He said sarcastically. I pulled the pillow over my face.
"Why the fuck did you do that."
"I just wanted to wake you up." He said with a grin. He laughed and moved the pillow away, pecking my lips softly. He smiled and did it again. I put my fingers over my mouth. He held onto them.
"I'm not moving until you kiss me back."
I fought the smile that wanted to come after he said that. It would've been cute if I loved him, or if he was my boyfriend. He fit in neither of those categories. 😐
He kept the kisses coming until I frowned and pecked his lips back. His smile grew a little wider before he pecked mine again. I pushed him away and secretly smiled into my pillow.
"Whatever... and I saw you smiling by the way." He said, kissing my cheek and laying down. I stared into the darkness and fumbled with my fingers. He didn't say anything about me sleeping with him, but I'm gonna be quiet before he puts me out and makes me sleep in that dirty ass basement. Not even ten minutes into silence, I heard him snore softly. I held onto my pillow and sighed, thinking about all of the places I had visited today. City walk was amazing. Jacob wrapped his arms around me, throwing the pillow on the floor. He laid his head on mine. "Go to sleep." he said tiredly. I hate to admit it, but when his arms wrapped around me I felt a comfort...like, I felt loved... I felt some type of way, and I wish I didn't. Within two minutes I was out. Ps... I don't like him if that's what you're thinking 😐...

8:09 am

"Jay, wake up." Jacob said, waking me. I kept my eyes closed and groaned, throwing the covers over my head. He smacked his lips and started shaking me. I kicked him off of the bed. He rolled onto the floor and lay there quietly for a moment.
"Okay, Jay, I'm not gonna ask you again to get up." He said calmly, climbing back onto the bed. I put a pillow over my ears to stop his annoying ass from talking so loud. He laid back down and pulled the covers off of me, placing small pecks on my neck between every sentence he said. "Wake up Jay. Wake up! I need you to get up. It is eight thirty. Babe, get up please" He kissed my shoulder.
"What do you want." I asked.
"For you to get up." He kissed my shoulder once more.
"For why though?" I asked, well past annoyed.
"Look at me."
"No, I'm going back to sleep."
He grabbed my face, making me look him in the eyes. "I need to go to work. There is food here, there is everything you need here. You don't need a phone so don't ask for one. I've been missing the past couple of days and I cannot miss today. Don't open the door for anybody-"
"I can't open the door anyway, believe me, I've tried." I narrowed my eyes at him. He did the same to me, pointing his finger in my face.
"You can't leave without having the key and I'm taking it with me. You're not getting out of this house." He said firmly.
"Are you getting mad?" I asked. "Seriously? You know damn well I can't get out of this hell house. If I could, I would've left a long time ago."
He moved away from me. I laughed. "You are so sexy when you get mad, you know that?" That sort of came out on accident. I shifted on my elbow. He looked at me.
"So you make me mad on purpose." He said.
"I don't intend to make you mad, you just get mad at stupid shit sometimes, like you just did. How the hell you gonna get mad because I said I wanted to get out? That was no surprise, Jacob."
"You really piss me off sometimes." He cupped his face in his hands and let out a sigh. I stayed quiet for a minute.
"You piss me off too." I replied. He looked at me. "More importantly, you find me attractive is what you said."
"I didn't say that." I told him.
"Basically my ass. I didn't tell you I was attracted to you in any way, whatsoever."
"You seem to be attracted to me when my head is between your legs though."
I shut up.
" OH OKAY." He said sarcastically.
I couldn't help but to cover my mouth and giggle, because I found him very attractive.
"Let's go back to the Hollywood sign-"
"No, I think you've made your point. You are attractive. Doesn't mean I like you."
"Then why am I 'bae' when I'm eating y-"
"I cannot control that and you know it, so hush."
He stared at me for a while, making me a bit uncomfortable.
"You are so-"
"Stubborn? .. I know." 😞
"Yeah, but I was going to say beautiful."
"Why do you keep telling me that?" 😐
"Because it's true, and I'm going to keep telling you that until you believe it."
"What makes you think I'm just this insecure bitch?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I know you're insecure because you don't hold your head up for long. You'll keep it up for five whole minutes if I'm lucky, then you'd look down with your hair covering your face. You fumble with your fingers a lot..."
I thought of how much attention I received from this guy. He really pays attention to me when it doesn't really look like he's paying attention.
"You like me, but every time I try to show you any type of affection you push me away, because you won't let me love you, and I don't know why it's so hard for you to accept the fact that you have feelings for me, Jay. You're so complicated... that's what attracts me to you so much because I want to figure you out, put it that way. "
"I'm not supposed to be here!" I raised my voice.
"Well you're here, and shit happens for a reason."
"You are so sensitive..."
"And I'll be the first to admit it, so what."
"You are complicated as well. You're a kidnapper and a child molester and you haven't raped me yet. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Look, I've told you this plenty of times and I just don't think you get it. Jay, I like you... I love you 😐 and I don't want to hurt you. There are times when I want very badly to have sex with you but I know you don't want it. I do not like the word 'rape' because it's by force, so I guess I'll just wait until you give in one day. You keep testing me and asking me why I won't do it. Well when I do it don't sit there and start crying, because I can put up a fight and I get pissed off when I don't get what I want, so I'd advise you to quit bringing it up."
I got quiet. I didn't want to test him on that...
He got up and buckled his belt. He was wearing a royal blue t-shirt with a blazer and some blue jeans. He looked tired. He wiped his face and looked at me while he put a big diamond pair of stud earrings on. I raised an eyebrow and looked at him. Neither one of us said a word. He slid up his sleeves and put lotion on his already soft skin. Then he sprayed on the cologne that made him smell so good and ran his hand through his hair, straightening out his sleeves again.
"Where do you work?" I asked.
"None of your business." He said tiredly, laying across the bed. He laid there for a good five minutes and then leaned over to kiss my forehead. "I'm leaving. Bye." He stood up and left the room, walking into the kitchen for something. Jake looked so sexy when he dressed up. The alarm beeped and the door clicked and he was gone.

I'm leaving 😂😈


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