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I picked the knife up off of the floor and carried it in the kitchen, running hot water. I sat the knife in the sink and walked back into the room. Jake was passed out on the floor still. I tucked my hands underneath his arms to get him up and dragged him to the bathroom where I sat him in the tub. I then turned on the shower, making sure that the water was cold. Jake lay there motionless as the water hit his face and body. I then turned on the sink and cupped my hands underneath the faucet, splashing water in his face. I held Jake's head in my hands and turned his head both ways slowly to see if I'd get a response. He didn't budge. I then smacked him repeatedly but gently, speaking to him calmly and asking him to wake up. Then I let his head go and it hit the tub. His eyebrows drew together as he quickly sat up, holding the back of his head. I smiled pleasantly.

"Glad to see you up. Welcome back to earth, nigga." I said, standing up completely before I took a seat on the toilet. He looked at me and sat there silently for a minute, staring at his soaked jeans. He cupped his face in his hands as he groaned softly.

"What do you mean Welcome back to earth? I don't remember ever falling asleep." He asked.

"Well, first off...all of the information jammed into a summary. Imma give it to you straight, okay?"

"Alright." Jake said hesitantly.

"Alright. Long story short, I personally think that you're the biggest motherfucking dumbass on the planet, for starters. I also think, from past experience, that you're experiencing maniac episodes. Your mood is just....running all over the fucking place. You stabbed Jay and it was pretty deep so yeah...she's in my room right now laying down. You legit almost beat the shit out of her. I know that you choked the fuck out of her...damn near strangled her ass... Her neck is bruised and shit. For the rest of whatever happened, or however it started then ask whoever was here when the shit went down. "

"I did what?" asked Jake, rubbing his face. He was trying to comprehend what was going on.

I leaned forward and spoke slowly. "You almost killed Jay. You took a knife and stabbed her ass. You almost choked her to death too. Why? I have no idea. She is in my room-"

"I know what you said...But I don't remember anything like that going down."

"Okay...well what was the last thing you remember doing?"

"I remember...Jay and I got into a little argument ... we said some shit we didn't mean; Like always...then she told me she wanted to kill herself. I said, shit, gone and do it.. then she went in the room and closed the door....I don't remember shit else after that..."

I sat there in silence trying to collect my thoughts. He looked up at me.

"She was talking about killing herself earlier. You sure she didn't do the shit to herself?" Asked Jake.

"The only thing you should be worried about is if she's okay. Jay would be better off in my hands anyway...I would never let no bullshit like this go down..."

"She's coming in my room, and she's laying with me. What makes you think that shit wouldn't hit the fan if she was yours? You're no better than me, Roc. She will never love you. All this bullshit you put me through...US through. Nigga, you ruined our relationship. Now Jay is gonna hate me when she wakes up, and I don't have a fucking excuse as to why I maybe..probably...possibly, stabbed and choked her."

"Don't sit here and try to make your fucking self the victim in this shit, nigga. Jay is the victim. You're the fucking suspect. She doesn't need to be around your ass. Period, point blank."

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" Jake asked, standing up. I then got up off of the toilet seat, cause' I aint finna let no nigga get in my face. That would be all opportunity for him to rock my shit, so I put my guard up. Before I could even get my hands up, Jake tackled me. My body hit the ground hard as he threw jabs and punches at my torso. I then grabbed him and we wrestled, trying to use one another to get up before the other one could get up. Before he could get up, I slammed his body on the floor and put him in a choke hold. He struggled, breathing heavily and trying to escape my grip. He then pushed me off and stood up quickly, straightening out his shirt and looking at me with anger and sorrow. Somewhere in his eyes I saw that he was lost and scared. He spit on my face. I clenched my jaw and wiped my cheek, looking at him to see a tear shoot down his cheek. He bit on his bottom lip, huffing and puffing, trying to cry without any sound coming out.

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