Visiting (Pt 2)

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"Little girl, you scared the shit out of me." I looked over into the shadows.

"Im sorry...Are you here to help me?"

"I wish." I shrugged and went back to rubber band popping.

"Who are you? You're not going to hurt me..are you?'

"Baby... I can't even see you, let alone am I in the mood to fight anybody. I would never try to hurt anybody for no reason. I'm Jay...I'm really nice..Roc is upstairs and the door is locked. You can come out now." I turned and pressed my back against the wall, staring into the darkness. A caramel colored girl walked into the light. She was about 5'2, with long, red hair. She still had her clothes on though, which means that she hadn't been here for over an hour. She was pretty. She had a bruised eye though. Poor girl. She is not gonna like Roc at all.

"He hit you?"

"I was hanging with my friends, and then I got a call from my mom, saying that it was time to come home, so I started walking, and he hit me...then I was brought here." She rubbed her palms together.

"Well,...welcome to Alabama."


"You're in Alabama...."

"Oh God! I live in Texas! What is gonna happen to me?" She broke down crying.

"I'm in the same situation as you...and there's nothing you could really do about it. Roc doesn't scare anybody, but my advice to you, is to do what he says when he says it, and don't give him any lip when he tell you to do it. I'm not trying to be a downer, but I've been in-"

"You're that girl from the news aren't you? They found you, and then the kidnapper came and got you again! Oh my god! He's gonna kill me! They are changing locations and all...How am I gonna ever see my family again?" She cried, making it harder for me to comprehend what she was saying.

"Look, girl-"


"Excuse me?"

"Sincere... it's my name." She wiped her face and sat beside me. She kicked her legs and looked down at them. How could Roc do some shit like this to a girl like her? She's innocent! She felt me staring I guess. She moved her hair from behind her ear and let it fall on her face, covering her eye.

"How old are you?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Sixteen...and a half. You?"

"Seventeen.. I'm so sorry that you've gotta go through this, I-"

"No, I'm sorry. You've been missing for over a year and some change..."

"No one deserves this."

"At least I'm still okay..."

"Roc is pretty aggressive..." I warned.

"I can tell... He made me ugly." 😔

"You're not ugly though. You're beautiful, girl. Don't let him make you feel that way."

"He hasn't told me that I was... He hasn't said much to me exactly... He messed up my face..."

"You're still pretty, Sincere.. don't feel that way, please." I put my hand on her leg. I felt bad...

"Roc can be an ass sometimes..." I told her.

"Well..he doesn't bother me much I suppose. He brought me down here and... I've been here for a while..He's been upstairs...i guess it's better than what I expected."

"This is just the beginning... which it really shouldn't be. You should be at home right now...Roc isn't very easy to get along with, so I'm just telling you to be careful with what-" I was cut off by Sincere...she kissed me. 😳


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