Unexpexted Part.

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I stood up and buckled up my belt, glancing at Jay. She was asleep and I had a lot of ripping and running to do today...


I reached over to pull Jake into my arms. He wasn't there. I felt around on the bed, jumping up and looking around to see that I was the only one in the room. I got up threw on some clothes, then headed downstairs.
"What are you looking for?"
I stopped and walked back upstairs into the bathroom. He was tucking his tank top into his pants, grabbing a blue polo shirt.
"Where you going?" I asked.
"Out, with the boys."
"Y'all ain't gonna be up to no good are you? Besides kidnapping little girls."
"You ain't little no more."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised an eyebrow.
"It means I'm going to get me a younger victim." he slid the shirt over his head and wiped his face with a damp cloth. I gave him a look and nodded, heading out of the bathroom. He turned around quickly and grabbed me. "No,no no, baby, I'm playing." that perfect smile came across his face . Those gorgeous lips...
He pecked my lips over and over until I got quiet, giving him the same look that I gave him before I tried to leave the bathroom. Our relationship was weird. Sometimes id still be distant from him. Sometimes. I do have my moments when I don't want to be near him for no reason, which I'm not gonna just say 'no reason' because he kidnapped me, but-... It's hard to explain 😐
"So you leaving me here?"
"Roc is going to babysit you."
"So why all of a sudden tonight I need a babysitter? You leave me here alone all the time."
"Because he doesn't want to go and he has nothing better to do."
"He has his own little play toy or whatever y'all call them to watch."
He let out a sigh."Jay, He dealt with her a long time ago." He threw on a jacket.
"Did you forget that you got shot last week? Or-" I crossed my arms.
"Look, Jay, don't start that shit with me because I'm about to leave." He grabbed his keys and headed downstairs with me on his trail.
"How you gonna leave me here with one of your sorry ass friends Jake!"
"Fine. What do you want Jay?" he asked, turning around. He leaned back against the door, setting the keys on a table near the door. "Anything for you." he said sarcastically, giving me his attention.
"I want you to either stay here, or-"
The door bell rang and the boys opened the door. Jake stepped out the door with them, grabbing his keys and closing the door, leaving me in the house alone. They pulled off and Roc walked in.
"Hey baby."
"Mh..." He smelt like weed and liquor. Not a sexy smell...


She rolled her eyes at me and headed upstairs. I grinned and followed her.
"Hey, Jay."
"Hi...what do you want."
"Nothing. I'm here to 'babysit' a seventeen year old. Isn't that nice?" I said sarcastically. She walked past me, keeping her eyes on me.
I grabbed her arm. "Where you going?"
"None of your business. You don't have to worry about me, 'Roc'." She snatched her arm away from me and walked downstairs. I laughed and followed her. "You feisty. I like that shit. I'm not Jake, I handle things differently."
"Is that so?" she said sarcastically.


I stood against the wall with his hand wrapped tightly around my neck. "Meaning I'm in charge of you. I'm on duty, and I can put my hands on you. Jake ain't here, I'll handle you how I want to."
I tried not to gasp for air. He narrowed his eyes at me. I gripped his hands and struggled to get them off.
"You're lucky you my boy's property...if you weren't, your pretty little face would've been bashed into the wall." He said calmly, focusing on my lips.
I blew a kiss at him. He smirked and shoved me into the wall, walking off. I started coughing.
"I hope you left a mark! If you did I'm telling!"
"Yeah yeah whatever."
I began to rub my neck. "Is that how you deal with your girls? That shit ain't hot."
"Well that's the only way you all seem to pay attention."
"Oh yeah? How does it feel to know that you're going to hell?" I asked, following him.
he shrugged. "I'm sure hell isn't any different from living here."
"How'd you figure that?"
"Why you asking me all these questions?"
"Because I wanna know how it feels to wake up everyday knowing that there's a possibility that you could go to jail for kidnapping and murdering."
"I don't murder."
"Well what do you call it?"

Hi 🙊 this is just a random part that's been sitting in my thingy...idk what to call it and I know some of y'all bored 😕 here 😂😋

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