Y/N did not miss a beat. He smiled down at the woman that he loved with all his heart. "I will admit that my gift may not seem like much, but it's an object that means a great deal to me. It was given to me just before I joined the Elite Order." he softly said, "Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

Annie did as Y/N asked. She felt something being placed in her hand. It felt cool and metallic, and seemed to have a chain on it.

"Open your eyes," Y/N whispered.

Opening her eyes, Annie saw the object she held. It appeared to be a necklace of sort. She found it to be a rather unusual gift for her. She looked up at him. "It was my grandmother's, she gave it to me during her last days." He said.

"But Y/N It's too much for me and it must be very precious to you."

"Yes, it is !" Y/N replied with a smile, as Annie held up the end of the chain and admired the gift. Y/N took a deep breath, then gazed deeply into Annie's blue eyes. "This necklace means a great deal to me, and since you're my wife the woman that I love with all my heart I felt it appropriate that you should wear it."

Annie smiled widely, she wanted to threw her arms around Y/N's neck but she can't because little Segen might fall due to his mother's over excitement, but instead she planted a deep kiss on his lips. Hitch and the others cheered. After disengaging, Y/N helped Annie put her new necklace on, the tiny metal diamond resting just below her neck.

"I love it," Annie said to Y/N, then pulled him to kiss again.

"Well, enough about the presents. Let's have some cake!" Jean declared.

They lit the eighteen candles on the cake, and sang 'Happy Birthday'. As Annie and little Segen blew out the candles, she considered making a wish, then realised it was not necessary. After all, her dreams had already come true.

-Time skip-

It was already dark outside when Annie's birthday party had ended. So Mr.Edward, Mrs.Greta and the others had problem going back. But Annie kindly told them to stay for the night.

"You are the best Annie !!" Hitch cheered.

"Thank you, Annie." Mr.Edward and his wife said.

Annie slowly carried Segen up the stairs, cradling the sleeping baby in her arms. He had been rather fussy ever since you went missing an hour ago, and it had taken the whole time to get him to fall asleep.

She did manage to get to their bedroom on the top floor without a problem, turning left at the top of the stairs, past your ever growing collection of wooden soldiers, and into the spacious room. Annie walked to your side of the bed to the cot, carefully lowering Segen down onto the mattress. She pulled up the furry blanket from the bottom of the cot to cover Segen, tucking the baby in snugly. Annie gave him a kiss on the forehead before stepping back, smiling fondly as she watched her son sleep. After a few minutes she walked passed the bed to the wooden doors at the far end of the room, opening them up and walking out onto the balcony. She sighed as she leaned on the railings, staring at the moon. It was a beautiful night.

But she was worried about you, you had mysteriously disappeared about an hour ago. She scanned the nearby area with her eyes for any sign of movement. It seemed clear so she ran back into the bedroom and hurtled down the stairs, barging into one of the rooms downstairs and out into it's own balcony. She looked out over the lake to the east, again it was clear so she walked around the corner of the house to check north. She was about to move on when she caught movement in that direction, at the bottom of the forest by the lakes northern shore. She saw you, in your suit fully armed.

"Phoenix, can you please look after Segen while I'm gone." She whispered.

"Of course but why ?"

"It's Y/N, I think He is up to something. I need to know." She replied.

"Understood. I will awake the others if necessary."

"Thank you." She said.

She ran as fast as she could to catch up with you. While you were packing up your things Annie slowly walked to you.

"Where are you going ?" She asked.

"For the future of our children I have to go."

"To where !"

"To Marley Annie, to stop the upcoming war."

"Why does it always has to be you ? Why can't someone else go instead of you !? Are you going to leave me and Segen. After finally reuniting with your family." She said as tears run down her cheeks.

"Sadly yes but I'm doing this for you and Segen. I'm going to put an end to this pointless war between Marley and Eldia. I promise you that I will visit you and Segen once a month, twice if possible." You replied.

She stopped you as you tried to mount on you horse.

"I can NOT allow you to go." Annie spoke as she slowly walked backwards.

Suddenly the yellow lighting strikes in front of you

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Suddenly the yellow lighting strikes in front of you. Thanks to the suit you weren't injured at all but you had a bigger problem to worry about because the female titan stands in front of you now.

"Annie ! Don't make me do this please."

End of chapter 50

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End of chapter 50

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