"I don't know, she just freaked out for a second. Bobbi, are you okay?" She asked the blonde again. She looked so confused and Darcy could see that she didn't really have an answer. "You need to sleep, you haven't slept in days. Please, let us give you something to help you relax..."

"I'm fine," Bobbi interrupted through gritted teeth. She didn't want any medications that could interfere with her seeing Natasha.

"Did you see Nat?" Tony asked, desperate for any information on their missing teammate.

"No, I don't know what happened, I just..." she trailed as she looked over to where Juliette was with concern etched across her features. "I don't know."

Darcy looked over at Tony and Clint and gave them a nod that she could handle it from there. When they reluctantly left, she felt Bobbi's forehead and found it to be cool. "I swear you would have a fever right now if all of this magic mumbo jumbo hadn't affected you." Darcy was concerned and on edge just like the rest of them. Whatever this was, it brought them no closer to any answers.

Bobbi sighed and leaned against the wall again. Darcy took this as a sign that she needed to rest and got up to leave. She had hardly taken a step though when she felt Bobbi almost violently grab her arm. She turned to look at her and saw the fire in her eyes again.

"Juliette is not safe here." She warned ominously before releasing her grip on the young girl's arm. Just before Darcy got the chance to ask her what she meant, a new voice had joined the others in the lab. She stole a glance around the corner and saw that Dove had finally made it back. Looking back to Bobbi one more time, she found her flipping her laptop back on, acting like none of the past minute had even happened. What the actual hell, she thought as she slipped from the room to press Dove for even a shred of information.

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location, the new Red Room hell continued for Natasha and Thea. Natasha's jumpiness had calmed greatly since the meeting with Yuri's Triad of previously deceased ex-Red Room members, especially since Natasha had started healing a little more quickly. It had been two days and they had heard nothing from them or Yuri; only the few agents allowed into their cell to bring them their provisions. Natasha didn't know how much longer they were going to allow the two women to stay in the same room together, so she spent her time drilling Thea with as much information as she could about how Ivan would think, act, and work. If Yuri was anything like her old tormentor, she wanted Thea to be ready for anything that he would throw at them. She went over experiments and drilled her on ways to keep her mind strong. Natasha told her to never interfere again if Yuri had his attention on her, no matter how brutal it would look. She told her that her only weakness right now was Thea. She was somewhat relieved when Thea assured her of the training HYDRA had put her through. It was a little more brutal than SHIELD training but at least she would be ready for anything to come.

As Natasha and Thea sparred for what seemed like the dozenth time that day, no warning came when the door seemed to blast open. In less than 10 seconds, the faces of Yuri's Triad entered and reached Natasha first, knocking her violently to the other side of the room. They then rushed Thea, who was still stunned at the violent entry, and grabbed her, dragging her mercilessly from the room. It took Natasha a moment to recover after slamming into the wall, and she made it to the door just as it slammed closed in her face, leaving her alone in the room with no idea what was going to happen to Thea. She screamed insults through the thick metal, both in English and in Russian, to get them to forget Thea and take her instead. No one came back for an entire hour. Natasha was filled with dread, they had taken her daughter, again.

At the end of the hour, Natasha was pacing back and forth with her mind running wild. She tried to remember her training, stay calm and think of a plan, but with everything that had happened since discovering that Thea was Ksenia, she was having trouble doing that. The worry she had for Thea and even Juliette bubbled to the surface as she tried to distract herself with ways on how to make Dove pay if he ever showed up here with the child. She finally calmed herself down enough but it was in vain, Yuri entered her room, this time more calmly than the entry that took Thea.

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