Chapter 18 part 2

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By the end of the week Vicky watched as Bo and Reuben took the children for pony rides around the house. If Bo hadn't been so wonderful with horses, she might have worried that these particular ponies were young and unsaddled. But Bo assured her the mare and gelding were gentle enough. After searching his gaze she hesitantly agreed.

Watching now from her seat on the porch as the two of them led the children around the yard she wondered at how completely they fit into life here at Arrow Q. Kelley and Quin were fast friends and Ida Rose followed Bunka everywhere. The best she could figure Bunka was some combination of the words Uncle and Bo somehow, although they couldn't figure where the "A" came from.

Bo was often at the house helping with more than just meals and the children. He dusted like a pro and was wicked with a broom. She knew he was a bachelor but she'd also learned they'd had to send the servants away long before his father was killed. Bo said his kitchen skills were always deplorable until Jeremy came to live with them.

That remark had given her pause. But when she thought on it she remembered how long Jeremy lived alone in town...and then he'd worked a year in the saloon. Perhaps kitchen duty was part of his agreement with the barkeep? So lost was she in her thoughts and watching the children as they bounced and giggled on the ponies that she didn't notice the rider approaching until the dogs barked.

At once Bo handed the reins to Reuben.

"Get them to the barn." He said as he jogged across the yard to fetch the rifle from the rack inside the door.

"You don't need to bother." Vicky called as he leapt onto the porch, bypassing the steps completely. "It's Joe Tate."

"Afternoon Miss Vicky." Joe said leaping down. "Grandma Katie and Auntie Esther want to know how you are faring."

"They send you out here to check on me?"

"No ma'am." He grinned as he tugged a letter from his pocket. "But they said if I returned without finding out how you were faring...well I figured I'd best find out right away."

A low rumbling laughter joined her own and Vicky turned to see Bo shaking his head. She noticed the obvious absence of the rifle and sent him a knowing look.

"I'd best be getting to the barn." Bo announced leaving them. "Reuben will have his hands full."

"I'd best be getting back too, Miss Vicky but I thank you for the cookies and I'll tell the ladies you are doing well."

As she watched him ride way Bo and Reuben led the children out once more. Apparently pony rides weren't over. Bo sent her a knowing look as they rode past and she knew he was keeping them busy to give her time to read her letter. It had only been a few weeks since the last letter, so she hoped it wasn't Quin telling her he couldn't come after all.

Propping up her feet on a crate she rocked pulled the letter from her pocket and looked at the handwriting. PENELOPE! Eager fingers broke the seal and unfolded the letter.

Dear Vicky:

Hello my friend. It has been entirely too long since I've written. I should have sent word sooner, but life has a way of changing even the best laid plans. Our little camp was stricken with sickness and things have been rather busy now for several months.

But I guess it is rather old news. I am writing with good news I suppose. In the fall (September most likely) there will be a new Schmidt. I really can't imagine how it could be so. I thought my days were past, especially after I lost the last. It was about a month after I left you that I miscarried. I had only just begun to suspect when I lost the babe.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now