Chapter 4 Part 2

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Vicky wouldn't admit how much the letter from Zeke upset her. She knew the battles being raged were violent and bloody. The papers recounted them in gory detail and she was very aware that at any moment Quinton could be ordered to such a battle front. Instead of fretting and borrowing trouble she threw herself into work and kept busy.

The weeks that carried them out of May, through all of June and into the end of July felt more like days than weeks. Except for today. Today it felt like time came grinding to a standstill. As she walked around the house with the feather duster and broom she shook her head. It really did look rather pitiful with so little furniture but she couldn't see the sense in buying so much.

She shrugged her shoulders as she climbed the stairs to see what the babies were up to. Their caterwauling was a clear indication that N-A-P was over. As she climbed she leaned heavily on the railing and stopped half-way up to catch her breath. It occurred to her that maybe hiring a nanny might not be such a bad idea after all. She loved her children but this was a lot of work!

Looking back she could see how much more difficult the trip to California would have been without all the help she had received. Penelope and the two oldest girls had been a godsend...not to mention dear patient Quinton. In the past months the twins grew more confident in their walking learned run. She had a hard time keeping up with them and knew it would only get worse as her time got nearer.

The twins had stopped crying by the time she reached the nursery. She gasped as she opened the door on two naked toddlers playing happily with their clothes. She shook her head and sighed as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her. She chased them around the room before she managed to catch them and wrestle them into their clothes. Only the mention of Red and Gibson garnered any cooperation.

Vicky found she was looking forward to her lunch date with Quin. She'd be sure to mention the nanny to him then. She was exhausted by lunch time and scarcely had the energy to change. She was glad she didn't have far to walk...walk! She harrumphed as she waddled across the house to answer the door. The children ran ahead and jumped at the doorknob.

"Get back!" she scolded as she opened the door to admit Red and Gibson.

"Ma'am." Red said as he knelt and caught up the two little monsters growling at his knees.

"ma'am." Gibson greeted her. "Are you alright?"

"Hm?" she said rubbing her back, "Yes, I'm fine. My back just aches is all."

"Let me hitch up—"

"No, really. I'm fine. I think a walk might help."

"Alright then. Let me walk with you. Red can manage the monsters" he paused as the children growled loudly. "Until I get back."

Vicky didn't want to be a bother but the look on his face made it clear NO was not an option. The ache in her lower back seemed ever present these past few weeks. Some days it was mild and she could almost ignore it. Other days, like today, it ached so badly she could scarcely breathe.

"Let me get my hat." She smiled.

As they walked she was glad for his arm to lean on. She was a little embarrassed at how many times she had to stop and catch her breath but Gibson was kind and seemed to have the patience of a saint. The pain in her back hadn't abated at all. As she climbed the steps to his office she was glad there were only three months of this to go.

"Oh!" She stopped and leaned over on the rail.

Gibson was at her side and paled as she leaned forward white-knuckling the railing. He stayed by her side but opened the door and hollered for help. A minute later another soldier appeared and they helped Vicky inside the door where she sat a moment catching her breath.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now