Chapter 06 Part 1

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Vicky watched the confusion on his face disappear as he realized what she meant to ask. When he leaned over and kissed her so sweetly she held her breath. Was this confirmation that there would be more children, or was it consolation that there would be no others. She squeezed her eyes closed against the thought and only opened them when she felt his hand on her cheek.

"Vicky." He whispered.

She opened her eyes slowly as she pressed her cheek to his hand and saw his smile. It was sad, and gentle and sweet and so full of love and hope. She let her breath go in a sigh and fell back into her pillows.

"Vicky?" he called softly.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"I'm alright. Just...relieved." She reached up and held his hand to her cheek then turned to kiss his palm. "Please tell me."

"I've talked with the midwife about it a few times, actually. I knew you would ask. She said first off that there is no way of knowing for certain whether you will heal completely and be able to have more children later." He saw her smile fade and hurried on. "She wanted us to understand that first. She refused to give any guarantees or promises. However...


"However, she assured me numerous times—and Doc agrees with her—that from everything she has seen and all that she has learned in her years as a midwife, she is certain you will be holding babies in your arms in a year or so."

"A year?!!" Vicky's eyes grew wide.

"Well," Quin smiled innocently. "She insisted that for at least the next three months you stay in bed....and alone."

He knew when she caught his meaning because she blushed a lovely shade of crimson.

"Quin, you're terrible! You know that?"

Her smile was weak and her laughter was nearly a whisper. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead knowing that for now the visit was ended.

"Yes, and you love me. Now get some rest. I have work to do."

He stood to go and as he went to kiss her goodbye he saw her lips part.

"It won't do any good." He gave her a stern look.

"What won't do any good?" she asked sleepily and covered a yawn.

"Arguing with me?" He kissed her nose and turned toward the door.

She smiled at him and settled back to take a nap. She did feel rather drained. She opened her eyes surprised that he'd stopped at the door to call out to her.

"I just wanted to warn you, that even if you are not able to have children again, I am not going anywhere. I love you Vicky. I love you for the amazing woman that you are, not for the sons or daughters you might give me." He blew her a kiss and shut the door behind him.

As she stared at the door she didn't even try to hold back her tears. Quin was so attuned to her. He'd always seemed to know what it was she needed or what she was thinking. Although there would always be a special place in her heart for Jeremy, she was amazed at how completely she had lost her heart to this gentle giant.


"Penelope, I'm still sad, it's true. But it's very difficult to be still!" Vicky told her friend. "And I'll miss you when you go, but I know I would miss Quin if I were away from him as long as you've been away from Henry. You didn't have to stay these past weeks, you know."

"I know honey. I buried five of my own. The sadness will pass. You'll never forget them but eventually you will be able to think of them without being sad."

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now