Chapter 4 Part 1

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All hell broke loose. The infantry divided as they dived toward the sides of the canyon. The regular cavalry in front of us broke ranks and scattered for cover. Me n John and the rest of the volunteer cavalry only just got to the bridge and we didn't have nowhere to go so we held to the road. It felt like hornets was swarming us when all the grape and shell buzzed around.

Finally the infantry dug in and gave us some cover. I was real glad to get off that road! Me n John paired off back to back again. He can shoot the eyes out of a squirrel at—never mind that now. We was too far from the Texans to do much good, so we just waited for orders while the infantry really dug into those Texans. They really poured lead and forced them back into the canyon.

Orders came to mount up and I reckon if we followed those Texans right off we coulda taken their artillery. But there was no order to charge. I got to feeling mighty exposed as we stood around waiting for orders. The horses were starting to get nervous and began to paw at the ground. John sure had it right when he said we were like bottles on a fence...

I was mighty glad when we finally orders came to move. I wasn't looking forward to being shot at again, but it was better than just sitting there. We met them Texans another half mile into the canyon. The infantry took to the sides like they done before. This time the major ordered the cavalry to charge the artillery when he gave word.

The infantry took to the sides like they done before. This time the major came up and said he wanted the Calvary to charge the artillery. Remember how I said a hundred men could hold that canyon...give them artillery and they might never be routed! John n me was listening and we figured they had them two guns, maybe mountain howitzers.

John don't reckon it could be anything bigger than that and I figure he's probably right. We knew how much space they'd need to set up and with the canyon the way it was, there weren't too many such places. The major came riding up with the order to charge. I ain't gonna lie to you Major, Me and Carpenter figured this was it for us but we was gonna go out fighting.

The canyon was so narrow we could only charge 4 wide. John n me was in the first section on the left in the fifth row back. The first lieutenant was at my other side. We didn't draw fire for a few hundred yards. I don't think the Texans expected we'd be crazy enough to charge. To be truthful about it John n me thought it was pretty crazy too, but orders is orders.

We were riding at a fast gallop and when the first volley hit, the man in front of me fell from his horse. The balls came quicker and thicker all the time after that. Some horses stumbled and fell over the loose rocks and some horses were shot down around us. John n me n the Lieutenant rode mountain ponies and we were soon out in front of everyone screaming like warriors on a raid.

It wasn't the rebel yell, but it put them Texan's off a little. I don't recall ever feeling afraid as we charged. It was like we left all sense back at the bridge and the only thing we thought now was to get to the artillery and take it out. Balls whistled past our ears as we rode. Them cannons were so close we could almost feel the hot air on our faces.

It felt like their shot came from all directions all at once and them Texans were well hid so we was hard pressed to return fire. The smoke and dust didn't help none either cause it was so thick we could scarcely see each other as we rode side by side. By some miracle we finally passed a point of rock and the canyon opened out wider. I should have been glad, suppose.

I'm sure the major will understand. I get this feeling when I'm being targeted and as I rounded that point the little hairs on my neck bristled. I scanned the tree line and saw THREE men taking aim at the three of us. I swiveled my arm around and pointed my revolver as one of the three dropped to his knee.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora