Chapter 15-part 1

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She brushed her hair and quickly pinned it up under a hat and snagged her reticule on her way to the door. Today she would let the others manage the children. Soon enough she would be mother to five—O LORD! FIVE!—but for today there were only the three small children and Reuben. She wanted to be a lady for little while at least.

"You look lovely." Bo said as she came into the kitchen a few moments later.

"Thank you." She nodded toward Janelle who was grumbling over the tea kettle and enjoyed the look of surprise that registered in that woman's eyes. "Katie Larraby designed this for me and insisted I buy this hat when I was in San Francisco last."

"You were in San Francisco?" Janelle choked.

"Why yes, dear. Didn't Jeremy tell you? I met Katie Larraby there. And the major and I have only just returned to the Arrow Q after living for two years in California, mostly near San Francisco."

Janelle stared openly.

"I have to admit I rather liked it. It is much nicer weather than Boston or Philadelphia. Even New York City can get a bit stuffy in the summer. San Francisco is much more pleasant. Especially in the winter. No snow, you know."

"You were in Boston... and New York?"

"Of course, dear. My father has newspapers in Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City as well as considerable interests in the railroad. That's how I came west, you know. I travelled by rail as far as Independence. I had to cross the remaining distance by stage but it was quite the adventure, I assure you."

"You traveled across the whole country?!" Janelle swallowed.

"Yes dear. How do you suppose I came to live here?" she knew well Janelle assumed Vicky was born here. "Jeremy travelled west as well. I was teaching when I met the major. He was just a captain then. And well, I do go on."

Vicky knew she shouldn't be enjoying this so much but she was rather proud of herself. She had managed to humble the haughty Janelle and she did so without using foul language or becoming physical...although her palm still itched to slap the woman...

Bo cleared his throat.

"Miss Vicky, the children are waiting in the wagon with Will." He offered his elbow, "Shall we join them?"

"Thank you, Bo." Vicky dipped her chin and her knees in a shallow curtsey as her bulky belly shifted her balance too far to safely attempt anything else.

Bo chuckled softly and called back over his shoulder as he let Vicky step through the door before him.

"Don't worry about us, sister. I'll see the children eat lunch in town. You'll have the day to yourself so you can rest your aching head." He closed the door with a sound click and Vicky giggled softly.

"You're terrible." She whispered.

"You were fabulous. Janelle needed that set down. I'm grateful you didn't black her eye."

"Oh, I wanted to, believe me!"

"Go Mama!" Ida Rose called and just like that the chant started as three small children jumped up and down anxious to be moving.

Vicky joined Bo in laughing as he lifted her rather easily into the wagon. Poor Will sat in back with Reuben and the two shared a tortured glance to be trampled by the little feet of excited children. Bo jumped up and the wagon lurched forward as they started. Ida Rose squealed happily as she toppled over. With a glance Vicky confirmed they were all on their bottoms now.

When they got to town Bo stopped the wagon in front of the general store and ran around to lift Vicky down. Will jumped out and Reuben started to follow.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now