chapter 08 part 1

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"When we go home to Arrow Q they'll have a place near their grandparents. It's a nice little family cemetery. Quin put a proper fence around it and white washed it. There's a great big tree with branches that reach out over and shade the graves. Quin's mama used to put flowers on his papa's grave until she got sick. Then later I put flowers on all three graves...until we left."

"You miss home, I know darlin'." Katie smiled and patted her shoulder while she poured coffee. "Didn't Ernest say he brought a letter from home? I'm sure that was nice."

"Oh!" Vicky stood so quickly she had to grab her chair before it toppled over. "I forgot the letter!"

She ran back to her bedroom to fetch the letter from the pocket of the shawl she was wearing that day. She carried it back to the kitchen and flapped it in the air.

"It's from Pappy's sister. She was...informed." Vicky smiled.

"A gossip you say?" Katie laughed and sat down at the table with her own cup of coffee. "Why don't I read it to you? You set yourself down and eat your breakfast."

"Shouldn't we wait for the others?"

"Nonsense. We'll read it again tonight when they're all here. No reason we can't take a peak now though, is there?" Katie winked and pointed to the plate. "Now eat up before it gets cold."

Vicky smiled and decided she was hungry after all. As she poured syrup over her flapjacks Katie cleared her throat and played trombone until she could read the letter. Vicky hid a smile behind her coffee cup.

Dear Brother and Family:

I trust this letter finds you all well. None of you have bothered to write and ask after old Esther, but I'm doing alright. I've been here for a lot of years and I'm not going to let a few boys with guns chase me out of MY home! That said, Folks round here had quite a time of it here with those Texans.

They came in and took over Fort Fillmore. They just waltzed in like they owned it and then burned it down. Then they made this big show of taking over Mesilla. There was a big to do as they marched through the streets. They made Mesilla the capital of the New Confederate Territory of New Mexico And Arizona.

I know it was just a lot of big talk, but it sure caused a lot of trouble in these parts. Mr. Lemmon- you remember him- he almost got himself lynched for being so outspoken against them Texans. So did a lot of other folks. Anyway, we've been having a time of it trying to survive on what those Texans left us, which ain't much. They took near every scrap of food they could find.

You were smart to sell your cattle before you left because those Texans confiscated every animal on four legs. Horses they said they needed since many of them were afoot and the cattle and other livestock went to feed their army they said. So I reckon they took all the flour, sugar, and coffee and other provisions outta pure meanness.

Then some boys marched all the way from California and chased them Texans outta here. They even got back some of the supplies and stock. It ain't near what was took but it's more than what them Texans left us with that's for sure. I like them California boys. They're right neighborly. It was them what got me to thinkin' on you.

I was helping some of them boys with their mending and I heard them talking about the 'Old Major and his Missus'. They seem pretty fond of the old Major. Then they says how they recollected hearing that the Old Major and his Missus hailed from these parts. I couldn't believe my ears. Couldn't be they was talking about you folks could they?

So I said I knew Captain McClintock what lived on Arrow Q over the pass. I said he left here with a wagon train headed to California. I described you all and sure enough. My stars! A major? There's a nice promotion! And married! I guess that means this war's made another widow. Happiness to you both. Lord knows you've suffered enough.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now