Chapter 14 part 2

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"Miss Vicky!" Cato whisper-yelped as he sprang to his feet and hustled across the kitchen to meet her. "You shouldn't be lifting that child! Let me."

"It couldn't be helped Cato. I found him sleeping on the floor outside his mama's door. She locked him out."

"She..." his voice trailed off as his eyes grew rounder.

Cato tried to take the child but the boy clung tighter.

"I reckon he wants you." He chuckled softly. "Have a sit-down and I'll fix you two some breakfast."

"Not just yet, Cato." She pleaded softly. "Perhaps just half a cup of coffee for now?"

"I got a pot all ready to go. I was just fixing to go and wake up Reuben but I reckon the sibs will wake him up soon enough."

Vicky laughed quietly.

"I think I'll take this little man out to the porch and rock him for a spell. Will you cover us up with my shawl?" when he nodded she added, "And be sure to bring my coffee so I can sip while I rock!"

That's where Louie found her not more than quarter of an hour later. He thought at first the child was Kelley, but as he neared he realized it was their young visitor. And from the way Vicky's cheek rested against his head as she used her toes to rock them he knew that boy was family now, regardless of the others. Miss Vicky had a soft spot for a soul in need. Still...

"Morning Vicky." He called out softly as he approached the porch.

"I heard you coming from a mile away. How did you sleep?"

"Fine. Our visitor snores...loudly." He chuckled "and he's either an excellent pretender or he sleeps like the dead. Good thing I promised you I'd be friendly...or he would be enjoying the sleep of the dead—"

"Louie." She chuckled softly. "I know how you feel though. I feel the same way about her. She locked this poor baby out of her room. I found him asleep on the floor outside her door this morning. I tried to pick him up—I know—but even in his sleep he climbed up onto me and clung tight. I have a feeling she's left him alone before."

"You suppose it was Bo that usually picks him up then?"

"The way the boy was clinging to him when they first arrived, I'd say that's a good bet. I also think that goes toward my theory that he might be the one to approach..."

"Shall I take the boy back to bed? You shouldn't be lifting—"

"I know what I'm doing." She softly chided. "Both with the boy and the man. I can't see making this boy suffer for—"

"I knew as soon as I saw you that boy was family now. The major would agree with you on that part anyhow. He wouldn't turn out a child no matter his family. Hell, the man gave me a second chance didn't he?" Louie chuckled. "I just don't want to see you get hurt again."

Vicky didn't say a word. She couldn't because there was a lump in her throat.

"Mr. Kelley was a good and honorable man. He made sure you were taken care of BEFORE he left and made arrangements that you should be cared for in the event that he didn't return. I know he only left because he felt it was best for you and the babies. That man couldn't have loved you more. You don't believe this story...that this child..."

Louie let his words trail off. The boy sleeping on her shoulder began to cry in his sleep. Vicky's features softened as she comforted the child with the gentle affection of a mother. His own heart tugged a little and decided to let the matter rest. The final decision wasn't his to make and he'd done his duty by making his concerns known. Vicky was a smart woman and she'd do right.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now