Chapter 7 Part 2

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A month went by in a swirl of activity. Vicky grew stronger daily but never quite felt the same. Red, Gibson and Reuben were there whenever she needed anything. Most times they seemed to appear like phantoms, as if they could sense her need. It warmed her heart and she thanked the Lord each night for her three guardian angels.

They finally settled everything with the house and made the long weary journey back to Redwood City and the little farm that she was to call home for the foreseeable future. Her heart broke into tiny pieces as they left the gates of the fort behind them. It felt like she was leaving Quin behind and leaving him to his fate.

Travelling in a wagon with a boy and two babies while two men ride alongside didn't leave much time for her to feel sorry or sad. The babies were so excited by all the boxes and packing they scarcely noticed Quin's absence. Unfortunately the excitement of travelling wore off quickly and the remainder of the trip stretched her patience to a taut line.

The children were tired and cranky when they weren't bored out of their little minds from being cooped up in the back of the wagon. It was about then they realized Quin was absent. Vicky bit her cheek to keep from crying. She pretended not to notice when she caught Reuben wiping his eyes after the twins cried themselves to sleep asking for Papa.

"I miss him so much, Reuben." She whispered quietly after the babies were safely asleep. "Would you sit with me?"

He climbed up into the seat beside her and she slipped her arm around his shoulders. He leaned into her and rested his head against her chest.

"I miss him too." He whispered. "I know he'll be okay. He'll come back. He told me so."

She smiled as he slipped his arms around her waist and she dropped a kiss on his head. She wished she knew the circumstances of his father's death. Had he gone out to keep them safe and never returned? She thought she might ask Penelope when they were reunited.

"I know he will. He's always come back to us before." She reminded him gently and felt his little body tremble with a deep sigh.


Two weeks after they were settled in at the farm Vicky fell back into melancholy. Katie wouldn't let her stay abed, so most days she spent in the rocker watching the road and napping. Her only happy time was when Kelley or Ida Rose chose to lavish their short attention spans on her. She was dozing one afternoon when the sound of horses awoke her.

Her hand went to her pocket as she stood to lean against the porch railing. Gibson seemed to appear from nowhere with a rifle in his hand as he stood defensively in front of the house. She didn't doubt wherever Red was he also held the visitors in the crosshairs. Vicky watched the horizon and knew from the amount of dust this was probably soldiers moving through.

The riders seemed to grow out of the dust they kicked up and she felt her heart leap as she recognized the flag flying in the ranks. She wondered where the soldiers were going and what news they might bring of Visalia. As they began to file into the yard she saw a wagon. A woman sat next to the driver waiving a greeting. Vicky smiled as she recognized the dusty face.

"Penelope!" She hiked up her skirts as she hurried from the porch at the protest of Gibson.

Penelope didn't wait for the wagon to stop. When Vicky's feet hit the ground Penelope leapt down and fell to her knees. She sprang up and dusted her skirts before she hiked them up and ran to Vicky. They met in a cloud of dust and tears as they hugged each other tight. For the first time since the door closed behind Quin, Vicky felt a little spark of...hope?

After several minutes and multiple pleas, the women walked arm and arm toward the house. By the time they reached the porch, Katie and Pappy were waiting with Red. Reuben had run out to join them and chatted excitedly as he walked along beside them. Penelope brought letters from Quin and Zeke and carried news of Visalia. It was a bittersweet reunion at best.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now