Chapter 11 part 1

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"Sir!" Lieutenant Rivers rode up.

"What is it Lieutenant?" Quin pulled up and waited.

"Sergeant Raines is back."

"Send him over. I want his report immediately."

"Sir, he's barely conscious."

"Take me." Quin turned Jonah sharply and followed.

He'd expected something like this. It was too quiet for too long. Raines was their best tracker and it wasn't a good sign that he'd been surprised. Black Wolf was getting desperate.

"I'm sorry Sir. I heard a noise but it was only a buck. Then suddenly he came out of nowhere. I got him but not before he got me with that damned tommy-hawk."

"We'll need to get you back to the fort when you're rested. Think you can ride Sergeant Raines?" Quin asked doubtfully.

"I'll be fine sir. Just need some stitches and maybe a little rest." He smiled weakly.

Raines paused to cough. He was too pale and his wound was deep. It was a miracle the man still breathed. He ordered the men to dismount and make camp. They needed a rest and Raines needed to be treated.

"Sergeant Raines, did you see Black Wolf? How far are they?"

"We're about two hours behind is all. He's hurting sir, almost as bad off as us and maybe a little worse. He's leading a couple of lame horses."

"Good." Quin nodded curtly. "We'll have him soon then."

Raines coughed again. The action caused him considerable pain and it took him a few minutes to catch his breath.

"I figure he's going to make for Las Cruces, Sir. Or at least one of the ranches near there. He needs horses and supplies. I reckon he'll be raiding soon to get what he needs."

"Why Las Cruces?"

Had they really travelled that far south? They zig zagged east and west, in and out of the mountains, brush and forest but always, he realized belatedly, in a southerly direction. They'd travelled much farther from the fort than he first supposed.

"It's the closest sir." Sergeant Raines answered. "You're from around there, right? Where's the closest place Black Wolf can get what he needs? You figure that out and you can meet him there. He's only got a few hours head start. Two at most I reckon."

A chill crawled up his spine, a chill that had nothing to do with the cold.

"Mount up!" he shouted.

"Sergeant Raines, we'll ride hard and fast. I'll leave two men here with you. Hole up and follow when you're able."

"Yes sir."

Quin ordered Baker and Rivers to stay with Raines and then rode off pushing their tired horses to the limit. Black Wolf would hit Arrow Q. He knew this with the certainty of a fact. The Cox spread was bigger but it also had more hands. Arrow Q was the easier target with horses, supplies and few men to guard it. He prayed Vicky would be able to hold out until he could get there!

Raines pointed them in the right direction and advised they were maybe four or five hours out of Las Cruces area. As they pressed forward, the knowledge that Black Wolf had a two hour head start weighed on him. Quin knew he asked a lot both of the men and the mounts but LIVES depended on reaching Arrow Q in time...the lives of his family.

He felt a fist squeeze his chest and pushed back the familiar feeling of rising panic. It had no place in battle. Not if you intended to win-and he would win. A coal-black hatred-cold and lethal-suddenly coursed through him. Their hunt for the infamous El Lobo Negro, the Black Wolf, would end this day!

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now