Chapter 13 part 1

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She gasped aloud when she saw the name. With shaking hands she unfolded the letter.

To: Mr. and Mrs. Quinton McClintock

Re: Mr. Jeremiah Kelley et al.

Please excuse the brevity of this correspondence. Due to the sensitive nature of our business, we wish to meet with you in person. If you are indeed Mr. Quinton McClintock and Mrs. Victoria Bradley McClintock, brother-in-law and sister-in-law to Mr. Jeremiah Kelley, please send word at your earliest convenience.

We would like to arrange for a meeting. We can be reached by letter or telegram. Send all correspondence to Mrs. J. Kelley, General Delivery, Santa Fe, NM.


Mr. Jonas Beauregard Alexander III

Representative for Mrs. J. Kelley.

Vicky read and re-read the letter. It didn't get longer with each reading; neither did it give up any more secrets. She checked the envelopes three times to make sure there wasn't a missing page. Mrs. J. Kelley? The letter was the perfect mousetrap. She couldn't fathom what business this person might have, but the title Mrs. J. Kelley raised both curiosity and animosity.

What did this person hope to gain? Jeremy left nothing behind save a pregnant wife and a ranch that she sold two years ago. Jeremy sold his paper and she never knew what became of any funds he might ...oh. Well, she whatever this was about she had to know. She penned a quick reply.

Mrs. Kelley:

I am indeed Mrs. Victoria Bradley McClintock. We are no longer in California but have returned to the family home in Las Cruces, NM. I'm afraid my brother-in-law never mentioned you. Please visit us at the Arrow Q so that we can discuss this business regarding Jeremy.

You may send any correspondence to Arrow Q, Las Cruces, NM. The post master is married to my husband's mother, so that address will suffice.

V. McClintock

As she blotted the page her mind was in a whirl. Taking her dishes to the sink she left them for later. She stuffed the mail in her pockets and carried her reply outside. She'd send one of the men to town with it right away. With a sigh she grabbed the empty laundry basket and headed out to take the laundry down. Only time would tell what would become of this issue.


Her morning sickness began in earnest in what she thought was her second month. Cato and Louie seemed worried for her but she was elated. She was absolutely certain she and Quin were expecting again...probably in the summer. July. Maybe August. In the meantime, she just had to keep a bucket near the bed and she would take it easy.

Louie and Cato whooped about when she told them. And then they proceeded to arrange it so that a man was around all the time in case she needed anything. Reuben hugged her tight and made her promise not to work too hard and not to lift the twins anymore. He would do it, he promised. And so it was that Vicky was smothered with good intentions and it made her heart swell with joy.

January 17, 1863. Vicky awoke in the night in a cold sweat. Her mind was filled with horrible images of bodies and blood and... She gasped as she threw the covers off and decided she needed some air to clear her head and calm her pounding heart. Quietly she padded through the house and snagged her shawl from its peg by the kitchen door.

As she stepped out onto the porch she tossed it around her shoulders and breathed deeply of the cold night air. There was no snow, but the water bucket had a thin layer of ice covering it. Using the dipper she broke the ice and drank deeply. The cold water tasted so good. It seemed to course through her, cooling her sweating body.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now