Chapter 12 part 2

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"It was awful Quin."...Babies!

Suddenly Vicky pulled away and looked around with wide frightened eyes. Quin raised his hands and tensed for another attack.

"The babies!" she gasped as she reached for the armoire.

"Ida Rose and Kelley are fine." Quin stayed her with a gentle touch on her shoulder. "Reuben's been with them since the raid ended. Right now they're playing on the hardpan out back. I think a few of my men might be playing with them too."

Her shoulders sagged and she felt his hands on her elbows. The touch was gentle but she knew the strength in it. Shaking off the last bit of disorientation that comes with waking up from a bad dream she sighed and turned to him.

"Thank God! I was so afraid of what he would do to them if he found out they were in the room... I mean you hear stories but..."

Quin looked puzzled. She was confused by his reaction for a moment before she chuckled softly.

"We were asleep when I heard the ...when I heard him at the window. I carried them to the armoire to hide them. The whole time I wrestled with him I kept praying they wouldn't wake up...that I could keep them safe..."

"You did keep them safe." As he took in her flushed face and balled fists he heart went out to her. "You did good, Darlin. You kept them safe."

As she looked up at him a strand of hair fell loose from her braid. His hand reached out to tuck it behind her ear and it tugged his heartstrings when she smiled sadly and leaned her cheek into his palm.

"Thank you." she said simply.

"I'm only glad I got here in time."

"Why did you come? How did you know?"

"Black Wolf was leading a band of renegades and leaving a trail of bodies behind. We were under orders to stop him. We dogged his trail for over three weeks." A frown lined his brow. "I'm afraid we're partly to blame for his raid on Arrow Q."

"What? Why would you say that? Because you were trailing him? You just said he was a renegade that left a trail of bodies behind! From what I heard about El Lobo Negro in town, he was ruthless. You didn't cause his attack on Arrow Q." Her fingers rested gently on his arm. "You stopped it, Quin. You stopped him."

As they stood there a moment each was lost in their own thoughts. He was thinking about the trail and the men he'd lost and the ones that were injured. He thought about what he did and wondered if maybe he could have done something differently...

She was watching him brood and felt a weight lift from her heart. Guilt, a sense of failure, self-pity...She was better than all of that, besides, there wasn't time for wallowing. Quin needed her. The babies needed her...

"You know I'm right." she said, cupping Quin's face in her hands. Love gave her strength

She never said whether he'd stopped Black Wolf before...well, she didn't mention it and he wasn't going to ask. It wouldn't change how much he loved he needed her...In an instant he closed the distance between them and pulled her to him. Lord she was wonderful.

"God, I love you." He whispered desperately as he lowered his head to taste her sweet warm lips.

They were both a little breathless when he reluctantly ended the kiss. He rested his hands on her hips, reluctant to let go.

Suddenly stepping back, she fidgeted nervously straightening her gown and touching her hair. Her face was flushed and he noted with some measure of satisfaction that she was also just a little breathless. He bit his cheek. Vicky sometimes needed a minute or two to organize her thoughts and she usually didn't like other people trying to step in and solve her problems.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now