Chapter 23

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Your little brothers will need you to set them an example now. I leave the family in your capable care. I know you might feel like it's too much but it's no different than preparing to charge superior forces. Just reach down deep and you'll find all the strength you need. And if you can't find it inside, cast up your prayers and have faith that HE will provide what you need.

I have faith in you, son. I know you will do fine. I don't have a lot to leave you. My spread in Texas I left to my other son when I left it, but I leave you my sword and my money. It's not a great wealth, but it will be enough to get you started somewhere. I know we always talked about Texas. The panhandle is wide open I hear.

I reckon the McClintocks can help with your brothers until you're settled enough to take them. If you don't figure you're able to raise them up alone, at least make sure you're a strong presence in their life. I know you'll have to leave them sometimes. A man can't always be there. Just make sure that if you do leave they know your love stays with them.

I asked for you to be transferred to Camp Babbitt. And I've asked the new fort commander to give you leave of absence to settle affairs. It's not typical, but you only have a few months left of your enlistment. He'll have the paperwork done so you have leave to handle things without fear of being AWOL. You've served with distinction and you can carry your head high when you leave camp.

I am sorry to leave you, son. I hoped to sit on your porch and watch your young ones playing in the yard. I hoped to be able to know the man you'd become. Well, I guess the Lord has other plans for us. I wish I could say deserve so much more than a letter. God Bless you.

I love you Son.


Oh God! He crumpled the letter in his hand as the weight of the world pressed down on him. Two brothers were his responsibility now. He wasn't prepared for this. Not so soon. He hoped that one day when he had built up his ranch he'd marry and start a family but now... He had nothing to offer them. He had no hope...

After a few moments he pulled himself together. There was another letter and this one would be harder to read. He reached for Penelope's letter and let his fingers trace the letters. Her handwriting was normally neat in perfect rows. He saw the suffering in her writing which resembled Henry's trembling hand. Pressing his thumb and forefinger into his eyes he sighed deeply before he broke the seal and began to read his mother's farewell.

My dear Hezekiah:

I am so sorry to say goodbye this way. I tried to wait for you, but if you are reading this, I wasn't strong enough. If the truth be known I was sick almost as long as dear Henry, but there was just too much to be done for me to lay around and wallow. So many of these boys fell ill and the poor doctor was overwhelmed.

There are only three wives on post but we all help at the infirmary as much as we can. Henry begged me to send Tomas to stay with a family he trusted in Visalia. I am grateful that we did, for he has been spared this illness. I knew Henry was dying when he fell ill at the turn of the year. The light in his eyes went out from him but he soldiered on and so I kept silent.

I poured myself into my work at the infirmary. It was good to be busy, for I was able to outrun my grief. Now that I am too ill to work, the loss has caught up with me and the grief is too much for my old heart to bear. I have buried three husbands and six children and I find I do not have the heart to face the world anymore.

I regret leaving poor little Tomas but he cannot mourn for a mother he will have no memory of. I leave Reuben and Tomas to your care. I know you will be good to them. Reuben is safely tucked in at the Arrow Q and I'm certain their home will be open to you and Tomas as well. It will be a good place to start. The Major has a reputation for breeding good stock.

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