Chapter 05 Part 1

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"Right!" Gibson clapped his hands. "Seeing as how you been riding hard for two days, I can run to the telegraph office. You stay here and rest. The settee in the parlor isn't too uncomfortable."

"Thanks." Red hung his head and let out a long sigh. "Truth is I'm dead on my feet, but I had to see the major and the missus through on this."

Gibson didn't watch Red shuffle to the parlor. With a pat on his friend's shoulder he was off at a run for the telegrapher. He would send word to this Ernest and get word to the family. If Mrs. McClintock passed on...Gibson's steps faltered and he nearly fell as he tried to regain his stride...Well hell he didn't want to think about that!


Doctor Melvin Herschell tugged on her elbow as she reached for the door.

"A moment, Sara." He spoke softly and nodded toward the door. "About the major..."

"I've met officers before." She smiled. "I know not to take their gruffness too personal."

"No, you misunderstand me. The major isn't like that. He's a very devoted husband and father. He's hasn't left her side since it happened...two days ago."

"Not at all?" her eyebrows rose in surprise.

"No." Doc squeezed her elbow. "I couldn't convince him. I've very little practice with distraught husbands, you understand."

Miss Sara Albertson patted his fingers where they wrapped around her elbow and smiled sweetly.

"I understand now. I shall be gentle but firm."

Even prepared as she was, Sara gasped when she opened the door and saw the disheveled state of the man sitting next to the bed. He held his wife's hand and was talking to her in a low gentle voice. She felt Doc's fingers squeeze her elbow and exchanged a nod.

"Sir, I know you are worried," She said softly, resting her fingers on the major's shoulder as she neared. "But please leave while I examine her. The doctor will be here if I need assistance."

She stamped down her surprise as he stood swiftly. At barely five foot he towered above her.

"I won't leave her." He said in a soft pained voice.

"You need to think of your wife and your children, sir." She straightened her spine and lifted her chin, "Your children haven't seen their parents in two days. I'm sure they're frightened. And what good will you be to your wife if you neglect your health?"

Quin was startled. The little woman was obviously here to help. She was small for a woman, and graying at the temples but her eyes were bright as the blush in her cheeks. He felt laughter bubble up as she straightened her spine and lifted her chin. He was damn near a foot and a half taller than she was.

For all of that he sensed intelligence wrapped in kindness—not unlike his Vicky—Vicky. He didn't want to leave her. He saw something in her eyes as she reached up and set a hand gently on his sleeve. His eyes burned as he felt the comfort in the gesture.


"Please, sir." She whispered. "I promise I'll take good care of her."

Quin held her eyes a moment longer and nodded. Turning on his heels he walked quietly from the room. As he shut the door behind him his shoulders fell and his heart sank. He pinched the bridge of his nose willing the tears to vanish. A moment later he took a deep breath and blew it out on a sigh. He looked at the closed door and his shoulders sagged.

Despite the worry that gripped his heart in a vice, he felt a smile tugging on his lips. Vicky would take one look at him and scold him. He felt the smile grow and felt a chuckle building. His uniform was a disgrace. He was unwashed and unkempt. He felt the chuckle rumbling in his chest. He was a major and he needed to set an example for his men.

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