Chapter 8 part 2

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Quin shook his head. No wonder his ma used to say he was growing like a weed. He recalled teaching a little seven year old how to work the bellows when they first came to the ranch.

"You're quite a young man now. I hear in letters that you've been quite a helper."

"Yes sir." He stood taller, "I try real hard sir."

"I'm sure you do. Can you take care of my horse for me, son?"

"Sure thing!" He grinned as he ran past and grabbed up the loose reins and walked the horse to the barn.

"How are you?" his eyes searched her looking for some sign.

"Tired. But each day I'm stronger. I'm nearly myself inside, just that my body's real rusty on the working part." She saw his eyes crinkle a second before his teeth glowed in the dim light as he grinned.


"It's just so good to see you." He stepped closer.

"It's good to see you too."

She stepped forward and they closed the distance between them. He slipped his arms around her and pulled her close. She pressed her cheek against his shoulder. He kissed her crown and pressed his cheek against it as he squeezed her tight. He felt the wet spot on his shirt and rubbed her back. She really was going to be fine...the thought gave his heart wings.

"Quin?" she mumbled against his shirt.


"Quin." She tried to push him away. "I can't breathe!"

"I've missed you." He said ignoring her jest as his eyes took in every part of her smiling face.

"I've missed you too." She said staring up into his eyes—those wonderful loving eyes.

Only a few days ago she wished he were here and now he really was. He reached his hand up and brushed a loose strand of hair back behind her ear. She felt her eyes fill as he rested his hand on her cheek a moment before his lips claimed hers. It was a kiss filled with love and warmth and promise...but it wasn't a very long kiss.

Vicky felt a small tug on her skirt. Looking down she saw Kelley on her skirt and Ida Rose tugging on Quin's pant leg. Together they bent to lift the children and bonked heads. The children cackled in laughter as they both cried out and rubbed their head. Laughing they scooped up their children then held hands as they walked together back to the house.


They were going home! Vicky could scarcely believe it! HOME! They were going home at last! Quin had orders to report to Fort Stanton on October 30, 1862. That left them four weeks to get moved back to Las Cruces and settled into the Arrow Q before he went away again. Away again.The thought brought a frown. But at least she would be home!

"Why do you have to go away again?" Reuben asked.

"There's still a war, son. We've chased away the rebs but there's a still trouble. See, while we were all busy fighting this war, the Indians have been free to raid and in some places so many settlers have been chased off whole towns are empty. It's up to the army to make it safe for folks to go home again."

"But I thought we were friends with the Indians."

"Some, yes but not all. And the ones that are raiding are doing so out of desperation. The drought has hit them just as hard as the settlers. Maybe even a little worse since all the animals they hunt have gone off to look for fresh grass elsewhere. They were bad off and hurting for food and provisions to take care of their families."

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A Dreamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें