Chapter 11 part 2

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No babies! Her heart was thumping in her ears. She wanted to scream but she forced a calmness she certainly didn't feel. THINK! FOCUS! Running from the nursery she raced toward her room. The door was open and she stopped abruptly just inside. The twins pushed her vanity stool over so they could climb into the bed.

Mama and Papa weren't there but their room was still a safe place. Fond memories of thunderstorms and bad-dream cuddles when she and Quin held the children between them tugged her lips into a smile. Quietly she pulled off her boots and stopped at the edge of the bed. The two of them sprawled out spread eagle and it didn't leave much room.

Moving Kelley a little closer to his sister she managed to squeeze in near the edge. Tucking the two little toddlers in, she pulled the cover up over her shoulder and fell into a restless sleep. Suddenly she was wide awake. Sitting up she listened but found nothing out of sorts except that her heart was thumping and her skin prickled.

The twins slept soundly. The house was quiet. There was nothing to...

Scratch. Scratch. Creak.

Her first thought was to get the children out of the room but there was no time and no other safe place for them. Her eyes darted about the room resting briefly on every familiar shape. There was no...the armoire! She stored quilts in the bottom and there was plenty of room for the two of them.

Throwing the covers aside she padded quickly to the armoire and opened the doors. Moving the clothes around, she made space for them. Ida Rose went first. She never woke. Kelley next. Thank goodness Reuben had worn them out. They were exhausted and slept soundly. She closed the armoire door leaving it slightly ajar for air. That was as safe as she could make them.


Her eyes snapped toward the sound. A slight lessening in the shadows near the window...and movement. Someone was prying the boards loose. The house was quiet. No one saw their visitors yet, but the raiders were here! If only she'd kept her rifle! Climbing carefully over the bed she slid off the other side to stand next to the window.


The sound was loud as a rifle shot in the tense quiet of the room. She barely managed to stifle her gasp. The board was free and a bronzed hand lifted it carefully out. The fingers reappeared and began working at the next board. She pulled her pistol from her pocket set to put a not-so-neat little hole in their uninvited visitor...and then thought better of it.

The babies would wake up and they would climb out of the armoire and the bloody remains of a...well, she didn't want them to see it. Besides, what if there were more of them? The shot would bring them to the back of the house and she definitely did NOT want the children to be near the frontline of the fighting. That's why she tucked them in a BACK bedroom!

Flipping her pistol deftly she gripped it by the barrel, choosing to wield it like a club. With her arm bent and muscles tense like a coiled rattler she waited. As soon a she stuck his head in she'd knock him senseless. Then she would drag him in and tie him up. It wasn't the best plan, but if there were others out there the ruse might keep them away for a little bit longer.

As she waited she pictured a small advance party waiting outside, five or maybe six warriors. She imagined they would climb in one at a time before spreading through the house and killing everyone. She looked back at the armoire and felt a lump in her throat. She and the children would be the first casualties! Lord, please let them stay quiet!

Crack. Crack. Creeeeak.

The second board came loose quickly and again two bronze hands deftly worked to remove it. She realized then the man was going to be too heavy for her to lift up and into the window. Best to let him do all the work. Lying on the edge of the bed she tucked the pistol under the edge of the pillow and feigned sleep. She'd club him AFTER he climbed inside.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now