Chapter 09 part 1

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 "Do you suppose we'll get home in time to get the beds all set up for the children?"

"Pallets for now. I'm not staying in town long enough to get what we need. I'm just going to leave a list and send one of the men to pick it up in the morning."

"So our longest stop will be with Esther." She rolled her eyes.

"Nah. I figure she's met her match in Katie. Katie's going to send us on our way so that we'll have time to get the beds ready for the children before dark. She won't let Esther keep us too long."

"Have I mentioned lately how much I love that woman?" Vicky laughed.

"I know Darlin. I want to get home too. I've been away for a long time. I..." he took off his hat to wipe his brow before resettling it returning his face to shadow. "I want to see my folks. I imagine the graves will need some tending."

"Quin." She said softly. "Don't you worry. We'll be fine. You take all the time you need with them. In fact, if you like, I can help you restore the graves."

"No. You'll have plenty to do with the house. I'm sure it's going to need a good scrubbing from top to bottom not to mention the unpacking and settling in. Naw. I'll handle my folks, but I appreciate the offer."

She nodded and they fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments.


"Why don't you ride on ahead to the store and place your order. I'll wait for you at Esther's."

"That sounds like a good idea." He tipped his hat and touched his heels to Jonah.

Vicky smiled at the trail of dust he kicked up. He would place his order and fetch her from Esther's. The interruption would be natural and it would allow them to leave without offending Esther's delicate sensibilities. She chuckled and picked up a little speed. The sooner she got to Esther's the sooner she would be leaving for home!

Vicky sent Quin off to tend to the graves while she supervised the unloading of the wagons. Reuben minded the children but she could see he wanted to be more of a help. After another trail supper of beans and biscuits served on tin plates she tucked the children into the pallet beds she'd set up for them.

"I wasn't sure if you'd want to be in your folks' room but..."

"Sweetheart, this is your home now. You set up in whatever room you'd like."

"I know we've talked about the house before but..." she shrugged. "Anyway, I figured it was easier to set up in the big bedroom since the furniture is already there. We just have to assemble the bed and get a proper mattress."

"Then the big bedroom it is." With a tired smile he held out his hand. "Come on. I'm plum tuckered too and we've a busy day tomorrow."

Slipping her hand into his she allowed him to lead her to the big bedroom and was pleased she'd set up a pallet for them already.



"What is it Cato?" Vicky asked without looking up from the box she was unpacking in the kitchen.

"Rider's coming. Cord says it looks like a passel of them from the dust they're kicking up. The boys have rifles ready. You want I should stay in the house with you?"

"Let me grab my rifle and I'll join you on the porch. I want two men in the barn loft but the rest of you I want in the yard. We're going to make a show. Those damned rebs won't be taking anything from MY home!"

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora