Chapter 5 Part 2

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"I hope you don't mind, sir. But when the missus was so sick, well I thought her friends and family should know but I didn't know who they were except for Colonel Schmidt. But then me and Red remembered that friend she mentioned in California...the one that helped her when she first came west. We knew he was named Ernest and he worked a telegraph in San Francisco."

"Yes. He's a good friend actually." Quin smiled as he remembered the tall thin man that also worked the post office and the mortuary.

"Well, I had the post telegrapher send an SOS to Ernest in San Francisco. When he answered I told him the missus was in a bad way and might not live and would he please send word to her family and friends. He agreed immediately and asked where to send word. I naturally told him to send any word to Major McClintock at Fort Drum."

Quin looked at the stack of papers in his hand and felt his spirits lift. He'd been derelict in his duty to his family and to hers. But his good friends had stepped in and picked up the slack so that he could be with Vicky. He sighed and offered his hand.

"I can't thank you enough, Gibson."

"I weren't nothing sir. You and the missus, well, you're family."

Tossing regulations out the window Quin impulsively pulled the man into a quick hug and thumped him on the back. Just as quickly they stepped apart.

"I'll and Red are taking turns at the office so there's always one of us here or there in case you need to send word...sir."

Quin nodded and took his leave to return to his chair next to Vicky. He sat and began thumbing through the telegrams. Mr. Bradley. Abigail. Katie. Ernest. Someone named Annabelle. Someone named Eugenia. Moses. Judd. Esther. Padre Chavez. Hell, even one from Mr. Butterfield! He felt his lips tug into a smile. Vicky would be cheered to be so remembered.

When his fingers came to the last telegram his breath caught. It was from Colonel Carlton, his commanding officer. He closed his eyes and sent up a quick prayer. Then he let out a slow breath and turned his eyes to the message. He blew out a heavy sigh. He wasn't relieved of duty, nor was he forced back. Rather advised to let Captain Belle assist during this time of personal tragedy.


Vicky awoke slowly. As she blinked away the effects of the laudanum and tried to focus on the flowered prints on the wall paper she regained full recollection of where she was and why it was she felt so terribly weak. Her mind buzzed with questions but her body refused to respond. Her limbs felt heavy as lead and she was so sleepy.

Quinton! Oh! Poor Quinton. He must be...

Once more she tried to sit up and call to him. She barely got her head lifted from the pillow before blackness swirled around her and a wave of nausea nearly overwhelmed her.

"Quin." she tried to call out but her uncooperative lips mumbled the barely audible words.

Quin felt the hand he held desperately in his own twitch. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and arched his back as he sat up. He rolled his shoulders and his neck attempting to work out the cramped muscles when the hand tugged. His eyes darted instantly to her face. She was awake! In a heartbeat he left the chair and knelt next to her. He gently cupped her cheek in his hand.

"You're awake." He said in a tearful whisper and lifted her hand to his lips where he placed a kiss on her palm. "I'm here, my love. No. Don't try to get up. You must rest."

With the gentlest touch he brushed her hair back and whispered that he loved her so much. Vicky's mind raced with questions but her body was so leaden she scarcely managed a smile. She heard the sadness in his voice and saw the tears in his eyes. Still her dear Quinton was offering her a smile and his words were meant to be of comfort to her. Once more she smiled.

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now