Chapter 16 - part 2

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"Yes, well, Mr. Alexander is family now. So are his sister and his nephew. So..."

"Oh don't worry none. This little man is a sweetheart." Esther smiled as she tussled Little Quin's hair.

"I'm glad to hear it." Bo nodded and looked at the children. "Who's hungry?"

"Gramma Cookies!" Ida Rose answered.

"Katie, you didn't!" Vicky shook her head.

"They ate first." She said defensively.

"They each ate a bowl or two of her Irish stew before they finished off a plate of her cookies. Reuben and Pappy were playing bronco pony with them."

"I reckon the wee ones will be ready for N.A.P. soon."

"Oh." Vicky frowned. "Bo, it seems you and I have missed out on a culinary delight!"

"Now don't you fret." Katie laughed gently. "You look too nice to stay inside. Why don't you go to the café for lunch and we'll mind the wee ones."

"Oh Katie, I couldn't..."

"Yes ye can, child." She said firmly in her thick Irish brogue. "And ye WILL."

"I suggest you do as the lady says." Esther said quietly on the side with a wink as she shooed the two young people through the door.

"Do you suppose your uncle will take care of your mama?" Esther asked Reuben.

"I saw him tell his sister to behave and I saw him lifting her out of the wagon. And he held her arm when they walked." Reuben said thoughtfully. "And he's real good with Little Quin, so I think he'll take care of Ma okay."

Katie winked at Esther and the two smiled as they corralled the children back into the living space.

"I like your mother-in-law." Bo said as he pulled out her chair for her.

"I do too." Vicky laughed. "What do you suppose your sister will say when she learns that Katie Larraby is my mother-in-law?"

"She's going to turn deep green." He said matter-of-fact with a nod and a wink.

"You two are back already?" Ruth appeared as Bo was sitting down. "Where are the little ones?"

"Grandma Katie wants more time with them. So she shooed us away."

"And Grandma always holds the trump card!" Ruth laughed. "Are you eating then? Or is this just another coffee visit?"

"Oh, I'm eating!" Vicky laughed. "Even without chasing the little ones I'm hungry as can be!"

When their meal arrived and they'd begun eating Bo broached the subject of Janelle.

"Vicky, I've been thinking."

"About what?" she smiled as she ate another bite.


"Oh." She washed down the bite with a swallow of tea. "I wondered if you'd want to talk about her again."

"I've tried about everything I know. I'm plumb out of ideas. If you can think of anything that might help, I'm open to suggestions."

"I have friends in California that might help her find suitable work for a lady. She wouldn't be rich, but she'd be respectable. Katie has several friends in the dress-making world. And I might be able find her a teaching position somewhere." She said thoughtfully. "Oh, I also know someone with a café if she'd like to cook or bake or wait tables."

"I'm afraid I've been so worried about her falling back into despair that I've spoiled her. I can't see her working in a café or a dress-shop. I might be able to convince her to try her hand at teaching though. I could impress upon her the fact that there is a deplorable lack of suitable role models of grace and refinement."

The Vicky Series: Book 3: Living A DreamWhere stories live. Discover now