“Fine...” he said as he slowly made his way forwards.

I could hear his breathing, and I could feel my blood rushing through my body. There was a moment’s hesitation before Mark roared and swung his paw around as if he was trying to slap me, I ducked and leapt out, biting his shoulder. He yelled out in pain.

“You’re dead now” he shouted as I began to run, I could hear him chasing me

“No you are” I laughed

He chased me right past Chris, Zoe, and Ashley, so far so good. I headed towards the rope and stakes, I hoped he would run fast enough to trip and fast enough not to notice, and for a bear, he was pretty fast so I assumed it would be alright.

As I passed the first line of trees I aimed straight for the middle of the two trees the rope was across, and to my relief I could barely see the rope, and I knew it was there. 

Mark must have been about two meters behind me and within a few seconds I had to jump to clear the rope. I landed on the other side swiftly as I heard Mark trip and fall. The ground shook as he hit the floor, letting out a blood curling roar as a stake stabbed him. I quickly turned round to check what exactly had happened. I saw him stand up and with his paws tear out the stake from his shoulder, the one I hadn’t bitten, and then one out of his leg, of course he didn’t pull them out completely, he left splitters but the way he pulled them out was so... human like.

“Dirty cheat” he said as he looked at me “Now you’re in for it” he charged and I ran.

I ran as hard as I could; knowing he wouldn’t keep up, after a few seconds when I had a comfortable gap I started to slow down slightly, the ravine was up ahead and I needed Mark to have the impression of him beating me. 

“You’re slow” he said from behind me, still running, as we jumped the first ravine.

The second ravine was just up ahead and it seemed as if the world had just hit pause. What if Mark made it? What if he didn’t fall? What if this all went wrong? Wait... What if it went right? I had no battle plan, what the hell was I going to do? As we jumped the second ravine I looked down below me as I flew over the gap, it was high and I didn’t want to fall, I wanted Mark to. Soon I could see the ground again and I landed swiftly. I glanced behind me to see that somehow, the bear made it... he had jumped over... now I was screwed. I kept running, trying to find a new way... and suddenly I had an idea.

“Hey Mark” I said 

“What do you want prick?”

“A fair fight” 

“You staked me” Mark said rather pissed off

“Fight like a man you asshole” I shouted back

“Fine, but you will lose” he laughed.

I ran all the way to the lake and straight up to where the cliff thing was, I wouldn’t push him in the lake, but if it came to that I could.

I slowed down slowly as we reached the top of the cliff before I spun back round to face him.

“Is this where you want to fight?” he said looking round

“Yes... like a man” I repeated

“Fine... then get one of your wolves to get our clothes, our shorts at least” he said looking below at Ashley, Joe, Chris, and Zoe who all ran out way. Joe was still in human form, so was Zoe, but Chris and Ashley weren’t.

“Ash, Chris, can you go back... get out shorts, we’re going to this the proper way”

“What?” Ashley said confused

“They’re going to fight like men, let’s go” Chris said nudging her back. Chris must have understood why we wanted our shorts and I could only hope Mark would keep to his word and not hurt the others

Within five minutes they came back and dropped out shorts on the ground, we quickly shifted back and put on our shorts. Both Ashley and Chris had shifted back by now and they didn’t look too happy.

“Tilyer” Chris said “Be careful, I’ve got your back, ok? 

I simply nodded.

“Hey Tilyer” Mark shouted “surprise asshole” he said smiling as he threw something at me. 

I turned round just in time to see a knife fly towards me. I stuck my arm out in front of me and the knife buried itself into my upper arm. The pain shot down me like an electric current and I fell to the ground.

At that moment Chris and Ashley leapt out at Mark and pinned him to the ground. Zoe ran up and held a smaller knife to his neck.

“I swear to god if you fucking move I will slice your throat” her voice was full of anger and she seemed more annoyed than I could ever have imagined her to be.

“Stop” I shouted as I pulled the knife out of my arm and threw it into the lake “He’s mine” I said slowly as I got up, Zoe stood up and sat next to Joe. Chris and Ashley also sat next to her.

Mark slowly got up.

“This is our fight” I said 

“Our fight” he agreed and spat on the ground.

The Wolf (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now