The Fun and Only

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So we arrived at Magic Mountain around 11am and currently it is 4:30pm. We have been on Superman, Batman, X2 twice, Revolution, Viper, Tatsu, Goliath three times, and now they are trying to convince me to go on Lex Luther: Drop of Doom. It's a new ride here, but there was no way they are making me get on that death trap and fall to my death.

"Come on, Katie! It's the last ride before we leave!" Niall begged. The boys, Erika and Jade were standing a few steps behind Niall and I, just listening to us argue about me going on the ride.

"No!" I crossed my arms over my chest. Niall threw his puppy dog face at me. I pointed up to the ride. "Look at how tall that thing is! No, no, no, NO!" I sounded like a child, but I don't care. I am not getting on that.

"Pleeease!? It'll be fun!" Niall teased. "Why don't you wanna go on?"

"'Caues I don't feel like dying today!" I threw my arms up in desperation. "I mean, come on. Drop of Doom!? I don't think so."

Niall kept his puppy dog face on, "This is the last ride and the last day with us. Live a little! Don't you wanna go back to school and be like, 'Yeah, I went on the Drop of Doom with my super sexy boyfriend, Niall.'"

"Not really!" I said, holding back my laughter at Niall's impression of me. 

Niall took a step toward me. "You know what I think?" A hint of mischief twinkled in his eyes. This can't be good. "I think you wouldn't be able to handle this ride."

I rolled my eyes, "Yes I can."

Niall smirked, "Prove it."

Grabbing his hand, I pulled him behind me into the line. It was only a ten minute wait. There wasn't that many people here. When the guy came around buckling us in, I started to get slightly nervous.

"You alright, love?" Niall asked. 

I nodded, not saying a word or even looking at him. 

I felt a famliar hand take mine. "I'm right here, Katie."

I gave his hand a squeeze. The guy who checked our seatbelts went back to the his station giving a thumbs up to the other worker behind us. Oh crap, here we go. We started moving upward.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." I shook my head, squeezing Niall's hand so hard it must be purple. We're almost to the top. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."

I heard Niall's beautiful laugh, "Katie, you'll be fine. Trust me."

I nodded, still squeezing Niall's hand. Then out of no where, I feel like my stomach was in my throat. We're falling. I'm still strapped in, but we're falling. I let out a terrified scream as if I'm litterally falling to my death. 

We finally reach the bottom. The guy comes around and unbuckles us.I'm a little shaky but, I step off to the side and wait for the others. Niall's hand is back in mine as we walk to the exit.

"That- that was fun..." I say quietly. I wipe away some tears that starting to fill my eyes.

Niall smiles at me, but it quickly vanishes. "Katie! I'm so sorry!"

Harry smacks Niall upside the head, "Way to go, Niall. You just had to make your girlfriend cry."

I know Harry was just teasing. I'm not sure if Niall did though. Niall stopped walking and pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't think you were that scared. I'm so sorry.." Niall kept apologising. "I didn't think-"

"Its okay! Just calm down, Nialler." I smiled, hugging him tighter.

A Beautiful MistakeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora