He's Said What???

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Harry Styles just kissed me. Oh my God... I know I should feel estatic, but during the kiss I didn't feel anything. I touched my lips. Nope, nothing. Hm, Niall hasn't said a word the whole car ride home. I found my voice and poked him, "Hey. You okay?" Niall didn't look at me, he just nodded. I sighed sinking into my seat. I wonder what's up with him. When we arrived back home, we said our good byes and see ya laters.

Erika followed me to my room, "What?" I asked sitting on my bed.

"What just happened back there?" She questioned referring to Harry and I at the castle. She looked kinda pissed.

I shrugged, "I don't know. Harry grabbed my hand, asked if he could try something, and kissed me."

Erika's eyes lit up, "OH MY GOOOOOOD." Her smile slowly faded away, "Wait, what about Niall" Erika sat next to me on my bed.

"What do you mean?" I turned to face her. What does Niall have to do with this?

"Well.. Erm, nevermind." Erika got off my bed and walked to the door, "See ya in the morning."

I quickly showered and changed into my pj's . Once I was finished, I climbed in bed. I fell asleep right when my head touched the pillow.


I woke up on my own today. Finally! I smiled, got out of bed, and made my way for the bathroom. I changed into my fav white sweatshirt, applied my mascara, and brushed my teeth. I decided to leave my natural curly hair the way it is. I grabbed my red Toms and put them on as I made my way downstairs.

"-really? Tomorrow- Yea but- Fine, I'll talk to her. Okay, bye." Erika hung up the phone and groaned.

I slide on to the barstool next to her, "Who was that?"

"Zayn. He said they have another concert tomorrow."

"Really? Where?" I asked. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about the concert. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

"Honda Center. He also asked if we wanted to go." Erika looked at me with her big brown eyes.

"Yea! I mean do you want to go?" I raised an eyebrow

"Ummm I guess. Who knows, it could be fun!" She smiled shoving a piece of Poptart in her mouth. "Oh and he said they can't hang out because they want to rest up."

I nodded. When I was finishing up my cereal, I felt my phone buzz. It was Harry.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hi Katherine.." Harry said nervously.

"Hey about yesterday.." I trailed off losing my words.

"You regret it?"

"No! I don't mean it like that. I just don't think I want a boyfriend right now.. With my brother gone and everything. I just don't want another heart ache." I spoke with all honesty. Especially after my last boyfriend, Michael. Harry just didn't need to know about him. At least he's out of my life!!

"Okay, I understand."

I sighed with relief, "Thank you, Harry!"

"Sure. But I will make you fall for me." I could tell he was smirking. What did he just say!?

"Wha-" The line went dead.

I set the phone down and looked up to find Erika staring at me, "What did he say???"

"He's gonna make me fall for him..." Those words kept replaying in my head over and over again. What did he mean? What was he gonna do?What's so special about me? So many questions were running through my mind.

"Anyone home, Katie???" Erika waved her hand in front of my face.

I snapped back to reality, "Sorry, I was just... thinking..."

She patted my back, "Its okaay. Hey, Starbucks run??"

"HELL YEAH." I sprinted to the door. Erika was close behind me and we began our 10 minute walk to Starbucks.


"Why is Starbucks so delicious!?" Erika collapsed on the couch taking a sip from her drink

"Cause the people who make it are freakin genius'" I sat down next her

"Hey, did you read the letter yet?" Erika questioned

"Crap." I sprinted for my room tearing it apart looking for Jake's letter. After about 5 minutes of searching I found it under some books on my desk. I grabbed it, walked downstairs, and plopped myself on the couch next to Erika. I opened Jake's letter very carefully. I suck at opening envelopes... I pulled it out and began to read.


Hey, I miss you! I hope you're having fun with Erika. Tell her and Kris I said hi and thank you. Anyways, back to you! I miss you soooooooooooooooo much! You have no idea! I think about you every night I go to sleep. I pray that you're okay and that I can see your beautiful self soon.

Dude, it's insane here!(I'm still in Afghanistan) We walk around making sure no one is in any danger. Mostly for the women and children. Like yesterday! This girl about 15 years old came here yesterday saying that she disobeyed her family and that her brother was going to kill her after dinner. So of course we had to protect her. We sent her somewhere, I can't remember right now, and now she's perfectly safe. Oh guess what! I still get to fly around in the helicopter! Its so cool! I get bomb the suicide bombers and snipers! Haha, ironic right?

Well, I need to go now. Sargent John is calling me. I love you! I miss you!

Love you, Jacob

Ps. Don't worry too much. I'll be back as soon as they say I can go. I promise.

I smiled while folding the letter back up. I handed it too Erika so she can read also. Once she was finished, she handed it back and shouted, "What person tells their sister that they're gonna kill her after dinner!? 'Oh by the way, I'm going to kill you once you finish your meal'"

I chuckled, "Crazy people!"

She nodded and changed the subject, "What are you gonna wear for the concert tomorrow?"

I shrugged, "I dunno."

Erika sighed, "Why do I have to do everything!?" She grabbed my wrist, "Come on.." She dragged me upstairs, sat me down on my bed, and threw out random shirts.

"Well you got nothing. Guess we have to go to the mall!" She pulled me downstairs and asked her mom if we could get a ride to the mall. Apparently, my clothes aren't good enough.

Kris dropped us off, giving us 2 hours to find something. Erika and I walked into Forever 21. Nothing. Tilly's. Nothing. Wet Seal. Nothing. Right when we were about to give up, we walked into Hollister. Almost immediately, I found the prettiest shirt. It was a white lace racer back but you couldn't see through it. (a/n does that make sense??) Only $20! Perfect. I purchased the top and walked back to Kris' car with Erika.

"Happy now?" I asked buckling my seat belt

Erika smiled, "Very."

We rode back in silence. At least I was. I lost myself in my thoughts. I don't know why, but I'm kind of nervous for the concert tomorrow.

Is Harry gonna try something? What will he do? Why does he insist on me? He can't be serious. Every other girl practically falls at his feet! Boys at school don't even know I exist. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

What's the worst that can happen?


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! :D Sorry, I haven't uploaded in a while.. I was busy. Don't hate meeeeeee!!! Haha, I hope you enjoyed it :)

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