Hearts Break. Circles go on Forever

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Niall practically ran in the emergency room and set me down on a chair. He kissed my forehead before jogging over to the check in desk. My ankle is throbbing like mad.  As I pick up my leg to place it on the table, I notice some red liquid dripping from ankle. I lean foward to get a closer look. Oh God, its blood. I look up scared out of my mind. I searched the room for a nurse or someone. Thankfully, Niall was walking back with an adorable smile.

"The lady said a nurse will show us to your room in about five minutes." Niall smiled. I didn't reply, Niall read my expression and examined my ankle. With one look he sprinted back to the lady at the desk.

"SHE'S BLEEDING. LIKE A LOT. We need a room!" Niall screamed. The lady nodded frantically as she dialed someone to come get us. When the lady hung up the phone, telling Niall something. Niall nodded and walked back towards me. He sat in the chair and grabbed my hand.

"The nurse is coming with a wheelchair. Everything will be okay." Niall assured, giving my hand a squeeze. I took a deep breathe and nodded. Niall's right, everything will be okay. 

I take a risk and look at my ankle. There was a puddle of my blood forming on the carpet. Oh God. I feel like throwing up.  I lean over to Niall, but a lady with a wheelchair comes throught the door.

"Katherine Carter?"

I raise my hand a little, "That's me."

Niall picks me up, bringing me over to the wheel chair.  The lady pulled up the foot rest thingy that way my leg would be out in front of me. Niall grabbed my hand again as the lady started pushing me deeper into the hospital. We made our way to room 154. It was small, but good enough for one person. Niall picked me up again, carefully placing me on the bed. The lady pushed the wheel chair into the corner of the room. She took out some gause for my ankle. She wrapped it around my ankle a few times and tied tight. Then she tossed it back in the drawer. She pulled up a chair and sat in it by the bedside.

"Okay, Katherine. My name is Linda and I'm going to ask you a few questions, okay?" She smiles as she pulles out a clipboard and a pen. Where the hell did she get that?

"Alright." I gave her a small smile back. Hello!? I'm in pain here! I just want the doctor, already!!

"So, how did this happen?" She asks pointing to my ankle.

"I tripped." I say bluntly. I don't exactly want to talk about it..

She raised an eyebrow, "Over what?" Niall started giggling from the other side of the bed. I shoot him a death glare. He clears his throat and looks away. I rolled my eyes teasingly.

"A watergun." I shrug. Now both of Linda's eyebrows are raised. Niall was laughing his butt off and I shot him another death glare.

"Wow, look at the bird." Niall pointed out the window. I laughed and shook my head.

I tunred my attention back to Linda. She was writing something down on her clipboard, "Interesting.. And how old are you, dear?"

"Sixteen." I stated proudly.

She wrote down more notes, "And is your family coming?"

I looked at the clock, "They should be here soon."

Right when I finished my sentence, the door flew open with Kris, Erika, Kody, Josh, Zayn, Harry, Liam and Louis standing in the door way.

"KATIE BEAR!!!!!!!" Louis screamed as he ran towards me with his arms wide open. He threw himself on me with as much weight as possible.

"Louis?" I breathed

He looked up at me with a huge smile, "Yes?"

"Your kinda crushing my internal organs." I squeaked.

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