Shopping Spree pt. 2

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"Niall, I'm perfectly capable of paying for my own clothes." I protested.

Niall smiled, "I know, but I want to pay for you."

Niall ignored all off my other offers, rants, complaints, and begs. He paid the cashier and handed me my bag. "Here you are, love! Where too next?"


We stood outside the store, waiting for someone to make a suggestions. I can't believe they dragged me all the way over here for clothes. I'm just fine in my T-shirts. Damn, Louis! He just had to open his big mouth... 

"What about Delia's??" Erika breaks the silence. "Its just over there." 

The boys agreed. Niall grabbed my hand as we walked over to the store. It was getting kind of late so there wasn't much people here. So no screaming fans! Walking in the store, the lady folding clothes greeted us. She told us about some sales too. She clearly didn't know who we were, thank God! Erika, Jade, and I walked through the shop. Occasionally looking through a rack of clothes. 

"Hey Katie!" I look away from a shirt I was eyeing, looking over to Jade. She's holding up a light pink tank top with a grey sequin bow. It's pretty cute actually. "What about this?" 

In less than a second, all five boys show up. They studied the shirt before tossing a pair of jeans in my hands and locked me in a dressing room. Lovely. At least I like the shirt. I pulled the shirt on over my head. After I put on the jeans, I slipped my feet back into my grey converse. It matched so what the hey? 

I stepped out of the dressing room and the first thing I saw was Erika. She was wearing a pink Avenger's tank with a pair of skinny jeans. It looked perfect on her! I wonder if the boys picked it out or if she did. I turned my head to Jade who was on the other side of me. She was wearing a cute ruffly racer back that had stars scattered across the top. She had skinny jeans and a pair of red Toms on the bottom. Both of them looked beautiful. Then there's me. 

I finally looked at the boys. They were sitting there with there mouths slightly hanging. Erika waved her hand in front of ther faces, "Hello?? Are you just going to stare? 'Cause its kinda freaking me out." 

The boys snapped out of it. Erika shook her head and laughed. "Well what do you think? Yes or no?" Erika asked. She took a step back.

The boys nodded in agreement. I turned around to go back in the dressing room. Right as I was about to close the door I heard Louis, "I really like your top, Katie!"

I opened the door and stuck my head out, "Really?"

Louis nodded with a smile on his face. Niall added, "Me too! We're getting that one!" 

I laughed and closed the door. I tossed the shirt I was wearing on the bench and grabbed the shirt I was originally wearing. As I was pulling my shirt on, something hit me in the head. It wasn't hard. I pulled down my shirt to see what hit me. It was a green shirt. From the other side of the door I could hear Zayn and Louis giggling. I picked up the shirt, wondering what their so giggly about. One look at the shirt, I knew it was Louis' idea. The shirt I was holding was a green shirt with "FUTURE MRS. HORAN" printed on it. 

I stepped out of the dressing room with my shirt on and the shirt Louis threw at me. "Really Louis??" 

"Oh come on, Katie," Louis laughed. "That's so true! You have to get it!"

Zayn smacked Louis on the shoulder and laughed with him. I don't understand why they think this is so funny. 

"Have to get what?" Niall asks, bouncing over to Louis, Zayn and I.

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