Payback is a Bitch

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"How many days?" Erika asks, taking a bite of her waffle. 

I smile as I pour myself a small bowl of cereal. "One."

I meet Erika's eyes. We stare at each other for a few seconds before screaming and hugging each other. Kris comes rushing down stairs to see what the commotion is all about. She lets out a breath of relief. "Excited much?"

"YES!" We say in unison. 

"I'm glad!" Kris smiles. "This is going to be a life changing trip."

"We know. I just can't wait to see the boys!" Erika throws her hands in the air like she's asking God to magically teleport her to the boys. "I feel like my life has been so boring!"

I nod in agreement. "Today is going to go by so slow."

"Oh yeah!" Kris goes to the refrigerator, pulling out orange juice. "I really came down here to tell you something, but you girls were having a moment. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I will let you skip sch-"

"ERMEHGERD MOOOOOOOM!" Erika throws her arms around her mom while I stand there with my mouth hanging wide open. "YOU'RE THE BEST!"

Kris laughs. "I know, but you didn't even let me finish! I'm goignt to let you skip school because I know how important the boys are to you and you need to pack all your crap!"

Getting over my shock, I wrap my arms around Kris as well. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!"

Erika and I let go of Kris and run up to her room. "Okay, what's the plan?" 

"Erm, well we definitely need suitcases." She points out. Erika goes to her mom to get us our suitcases. Her and Kris come back with one in each hand. "Here!" Erika hands me a rolling suitcase and my purple duffle bag.

Taking the bags, I drag them to my room. I toss them on my bed as I begin to raid my closet. I toss various t-shirts, shorts, jeans, jackets, cardigans, bras, underwear and basically every piece of clothing I owned. I made sure I got all the clothes the boys bought for me. Eventually, my suitcase was filled to the brim with clothes. After that, I put my toiletries in a smaller bag and put that in my duffle. Once my duffle is filled with shoes, make up, and other random stuff that I just might need, I go across the hall to Erika's room. As I enter her room, I see that she's sitting on her suitcase trying to get it zipped.

"Need help?" I laugh.

She holds up her hand. "I got this!" Erika jumps down on it one last time and pulls the zipper across, zipping it closed. She looks at me with a proud smile. I roll my eyes, clapping half heartedly. "What time is it?" Erika asks, climbing off her suitcase.

I pull out my phone reading the time. "12:36pm."

"Hm, I'm hungry." Erika pats her stomach. "Wanna get frozen yogurt?"

I think about it for a second. "Okay."


Erika, Kris, and I sit down at an empty table with our frozen yogurt. Erika got cakebatter while I got plain tart.

"That's all you got?" Erika asks pointing to my cup. It was filled about halfway.

I nod, but before I could say anything my phone rings. I fish my iPhone out of my pocket. Niall's name was displayed on the screen with a picture of us at the fair from summer.

"Hey Nialler." I smile.

"KATIE! ONE MORE FUCKING DAY!!!" Niall screams in my ear. He made me jump as I pull my phone away from my ear for a second. 

"I know! but shit Niall! I think you made me go deaf!" I rub my ear even though he can't see me.

"Sorry lass!" Niall laughs. "I just can't wait-" Niall was cut off followed by muffling noises. "OI GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" I hear Niall shout from a distance.

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