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*Katie's POV*

After the concert, we drove back home. On the way, the boys decided to sleepover again. I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed it started to rain. Really? In the end of June!? At least its not a thunderstorm.


"Katie, hand me that box please." My mom pointed to the box behind me. I grabbed the box and slide it across the floor of the attic.

She smiled, "Ah, thanks." I smiled back watching her look at the old photos. Out of no where, the lights flickered on and off. Thunder was rumbling outside.

"Mom... What's happening?" I asked looking around the small room.

She smiled while shaking her head, "Nothing to be scared about, Katie. Just a little thunder and lightnening."

I nodded, still unsure about the whole situation. We looked a a few more photos together when the enitre house went black.

"MOM." I shrieked desperatly trying to see through the darkness.

"Katherine, do not move." She spoke so calm but at the same time very firm. "JACOB, GET SOME CANDLES."

I did as I was told and didn't move a muscle. I waited for what seemed like years. I didn't realise I was crying until I felt a tear hit my hand. Finally, Jake waited at the bottom of the ladder with a candle, "Come on down, Katie!"

I slowly climbed down the ladder carefully with every step I took. Jake set the candle down on the cabinet and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying softly. My mom climbed down after me, "It's okay, Katie. It's just a storm." She whispered rubbing my shoulder.

-End of Flashback-

"Katie?" An Irish accent pierced my ears.

I blinked a few times, bringing myself back to reality. We were still driving, Zayn, Harry, and Erika were asleep, and Niall's arm was around my shoulder. I turned my head to face him, "Yeah?"

He gave me a half smile, "You blanked for a minute. Are you alright?"

I nodded. I'm exactly sure what I felt at the moment. I wasn't happy but I wasn't sad. It almost feels like I'm emotionless.

Niall's grip tightened. He pulled me closer to him, I rested my head on his shoulder while he rubbed my shoulder. He rubbed my shoulder just like my mom. I must have looked tired when Niall whispered, "Close your eyes."


I felt myself slowly being picked up bridalstyle. I groaned and opened my eyes slightly. I saw an Irish boy was carrying me. He chuckled at me, "We're home." Niall walked me upstairs to my room and carefully placed me on my bed. He kissed me on my forehead then whispered, "I'm going to get my pajama's. I'll be right back."

I nodded and let him go. After about five minutes of laying there on my bed, I got up and changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. I didn't feel that tired anymore so I walked downstairs. Erika was in her PJ's sitting on the couch next to Louis who was in his PJ's also. They were watching Men in Black. Zayn was knocked out on the floor. I'm guessing that the other boys were collecting their things at their house. I sat on the couch, turning my attention to the movie. I must have daydreamed away because I found myself staring out the window by the door. It was pouring. I kept staring until Niall, Harry, and Liam bursted through the door.

"WE'RE BACK." They announced in unison. Zayn groaned and rolled over. Niall plobbed himself next to me while puting his arm around my shoulder. Harry dropped his bag then sat right in between Erika and Louis. Erika gave Harry a glare the read 'what the fuck are you doing?'.  I let out a small smile.

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