Chapter 7 - I Am Who I Am

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Hey, guys! I got out of school early today and then took a power nap. I wrote so much my fingers might fall off!

Sorry if the chapter is a little short. I just kept writingm but didn't know where to leave it off. 

I really hope you like what’s going to happen! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me some feedback!!! <3


She thinks that I call her beautiful so she will have sex with me? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s the last thing I want from her. We’ve talked about it, and we’ve decided that we’ll have sex when we are both ready. I don’t mind waiting because I love her. We talked about it the other night. I wasn’t going to force Lily to do something she didn’t want to. Why would she think of this all of a sudden? “What?”

“You heard me.”

“I heard you. I meant what in the bloody hell are you talking about?” I tried to remain as calm as possible.

Harry had his hand on my shoulder, trying to keep me as calm. I sat down on the bathroom floor, rubbing my forehead with my hand. Lily looked at me with disgust. I’ve never seen her this way before. We’ve never argued, not over something as serious as this. “Lily, we’ve talked about this before. I don’t want you to be my girlfriend for sex. I want you to be my girlfriend because you bring out the best in me. You are the one and only person who has kept me from losing my mind. When someone hates on me you tell me to let it roll of my shoulder.  When I’m home sick you sit on the phone with me for hours until I feel like I’m at home. What happened to the Lily that used to be sassy to the haters? What happened to the Lily that loved herself because she was Liliana Garcia, daughter of two people that did her wrong and made her strong? What happened to the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with?”

“She’s still here; she’s just trying to lose weight.”

“How much weight have you lost since you started?” I looked at her and grabbed her hand. “Babe, please be honest with me. I want to get you help. You’re sick.”

“I’ve only lost five pounds.”

Louis interjected, “FIVE POUNDS?!?!?”

“Yeah Lou, five pounds.”

“I can handle it Louis. Can you go call May? Tell her what’s going on and see if she knows anything. We have to get Lily help. I’m not leaving until we have a plan.”

Lily looked at me. She looked confused. “A plan for what?” she asked.

“For you babe. You need help.”


He’s right. I need help. I need to stop. I can’t hurt Zayn like this anymore. I can’t hurt myself like this anymore. I need to stop. I started to cry. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to be pretty like May, Danielle, and Eleanor. I just wanted people to stop calling me the ugliest girlfriend. I wanted to prove all of them wrong. I wanted them to know that I was prettier than all of them. “

“You don’t have to keep proving it Lily. I already know you’re the prettiest and that’s all that matters.” I went to speak, but Zayn kept talking. “You are the only girlfriend to come on stage during a concert. You are the only girl with a promise ring. You are the only person to know that my sister is getting married and wants us to sing at her wedding. You, Liliana Garcia, are the most special of all of the girlfriends.”

He scooted over and hugged me, my face against his chest. I could feel my tears making a wet spot on his shirt. Harry walked in, “May’s coming over right now. She was just with Liz. She’s doing it too.”

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