Chapter 41 - The Begining of the End

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Heyyyyy. We won counties last night! Woohoooo COUNTY CHAMPS 2013 yeahhh buddy.

So I'm going to try and post another chapter soon. I'm supposed to be studying for midterms. Hahaha I probably wont. I mean, my midterm on Monday is gym. I can't study for fifteen laps around the gym and push ups and sit ups.

I hope you like this chapter! <3




The irritating sound of my alarm clock awoke me. I rolled over to find Zayn was already out of bed, probably in the shower. I picked out my clothes and then checked my phone. I had a missed call from May.

"What could she possibly want this early in the morning?" I groaned calling her back.

It went straight to voicemail. Hmm, maybe she turned her phone off? Or it died? I called Harry. He answered grumpily, "Yeah?"

"Why did May call me?"

"She's not going to school. Not feeling well."

"Oh." I sighed.

"alright. See you later then."

"Bye." I threw my phone onto the bed. We've been getting a lot of hate at school and on twitter. I wonder if she's staying home because of that or because she actually doesn't feel well.

Zayn walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, "Good morning beautiful." he kissed my forehead.

"Good morning." I sighed.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his chocolate brown eyes staring into mine.

"Nothing." I shrugged. "May isn't going to school today. That's all."

"Do you want to stay home? I have an interview today so you'd be home all alone." he frowned.

"No. I'll go to school." I grunted, pulling my hoodie over my head.

"Okay. Let me get dressed and I'll drop you off."

I grabbed my books and my bag and went down stairs to wait for Zayn. I was playing on my phone when someone knocked at the door. "Coming!" I shouted as I put my things down on the coffee table.

I unlocked the chain to see Niall standing on my front steps. "Uhm, hi. Can I talk to Zayn?"

"He's upstairs getting dressed. Do you want to come inside?"

"Erhm, sure." Niall shrugged.

Niall still wasn't talking to me. I was the sole blame for Liz's departure in his eyes. He hated me more than he hated when girls hugged the rest of the boys and not him. We awkwardly stared at each other until Zayn came down stairs.

"Oh, hey Niall. What's up?" he asked, confusion upon his face.

"I need to talk to you." he paused "in private."

"Uhm, okay. I have to drive Lily to school, will it take long?" he asked, looking over at me.

"It's fine. I'll walk. See you later babe." I kissed him and waved at Niall as I headed at the door.


Thank god Lily was leaving. I don't think I could say this in front of her. I pulled on the strings hanging from them hem of my tee shirt. "What's wrong Niall?"

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