Chapter 36 - Mistakes Are Memories Made

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MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! ahhh, I'm in such a good mood. i just spent like three hours on this chapter because i didn't know where to end it! I've been playing board games all day with my family. So I'm in a fantastic mood And Haylor has officially called it quits! LIFE = MADE Yeah. Yesterday the radio said that Haylor is officially overrr. THANK YOU SANTA FOR THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!

On a side note, I believe this is the longest chapter I have ever written. A lot of stuff goes down so let me know what you think! Thanks <3




I groaned, looking at my phone. It’s 7 in the morning. Who the hell is ringing my doorbell?


They rang the bell again. May grunted at me and Liz put the pillow over her face. “I’m coming.”

I quickly threw a sweatshirt over my tank top and put my hair into a decent looking bun. I looked like Medusa, and considering we went to bed less than two hours ago, I was not the happiest person right now. I opened the door to see Simon and Paul standing in front of me.

I was in shock, why would they be here? “H-hi guys.”

“Hello Lilianna.” Simon replied, staring at me through his sunglasses.

“Hey Lily, Is Zayn home? We’ve been calling him and he isn’t answering.” Paul asked, trying to hide the anger in his voice.

“He slept at Niall’s last night. Liz and May slept here. We had a girl’s night because it was their last night….”

“That’s what you think.” Simon cut me off.

“I’m sorry?”

“We’re here to talk to the three of you and Zayn about your predicament.” He said, pointing at my stomach.

I could feel the anger traveling through my body. “He told you too?”

“Well, not exactly…”Paul stuttered.

“What’s going on?” Liz yelled from the floor.

“Nothing. I’m talking to someone. Go back to bed.” I walked outside to continue the conversation. Closing the door, I looked back to Paul. ”What do you mean?”

“We mean…” Simon interjected. “He called us last night, and I’m assuming he was drunk, and told us about how he messed up big time. And that you two needed help figuring it out.”

“And from that you figured out I was pregnant?” I asked sassily, cracking my knuckles to calm myself.

“No. Niall also called us. He told us you were pregnant and then he cried for about fifteen minutes because you were considering an abortion.”

I stared at the ground, avoiding all eye contact with them. This was the exact conversation I didn’t want to have with Simon. This was why I wanted to go to tell Liz and May before we told the guys. Why couldn’t he have just waited! Why?

Simon sat down next to me. “Are you sure you’re pregnant?”

I nodded. “I took three home tests and they all came out positive.”

“Alright. You have a doctors appointment at ten. They will tell you for sure if you are pregnant.”

“Thank you.” I hugged the only fatherly figure I had left in my life. As he pulled away I noticed a tear on his cheek.

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